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88250 committed Oct 28, 2023
1 parent 8fd9712 commit 904b8b6
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Showing 5 changed files with 6 additions and 6 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/appearance/langs/en_US.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"includeTime": "Include time",
"accountSupport1": "Since its first public release on August 31, 2020, SiYuan has been released a total of 481 times, solved user requirements and feedback 9257 times, and submitted code 10189 times. We cannot do without your support and feedback.",
"accountSupport2": "The development of SiYuan cannot be separated from your support. We will continue to make good products with our heart and provide you with a better knowledge management experience.",
"accountSupport2": "Your support and feedback will allow SiYuan to develop and develop better. We will always be friends with users, work hard to make products better, and provide you with a better knowledge management experience. Thank you very much for your support!",
"goToTab1": "Go to tab #1",
"goToTab2": "Go to tab #2",
"goToTab3": "Go to tab #3",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/appearance/langs/es_ES.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"includeTime": "Incluir tiempo",
"accountSupport1": "Desde su primer lanzamiento público el 31 de agosto de 2020, SiYuan se ha publicado un total de 481 veces, ha resuelto los requisitos y comentarios de los usuarios 9257 veces y ha enviado código 10189 veces. No podemos prescindir de su apoyo y comentarios.",
"accountSupport2": "El desarrollo de SiYuan no puede separarse de su apoyo. Continuaremos fabricando buenos productos con nuestro corazón y brindándole una mejor experiencia de gestión del conocimiento.",
"accountSupport2": "Su apoyo y comentarios permitirán a SiYuan desarrollarse y desarrollarse mejor. Siempre seremos amigos de los usuarios, trabajaremos duro para mejorar los productos y brindarle una mejor experiencia de gestión del conocimiento. ¡Muchas gracias por tu apoyo!",
"goToTab1": "Ir a la pestaña #1",
"goToTab2": "Ir a la pestaña #2",
"goToTab3": "Ir a la pestaña #3",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/appearance/langs/fr_FR.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"includeTime": "Inclure l'heure",
"accountSupport1": "Depuis sa première version publique le 31 août 2020, SiYuan a été publié 481 fois au total, a répondu aux exigences et aux commentaires des utilisateurs 9 257 fois et a soumis du code 10 189 fois. Nous ne pouvons pas nous passer de votre soutien et de vos commentaires.",
"accountSupport2": "Le développement de SiYuan ne peut être séparé de votre soutien. Nous continuerons à fabriquer de bons produits avec notre cœur et à vous offrir une meilleure expérience de gestion des connaissances.",
"accountSupport2": "Votre soutien et vos retours permettront à SiYuan de se développer et de mieux se développer. Nous serons toujours amis avec les utilisateurs, travaillerons dur pour améliorer les produits et vous offrirons une meilleure expérience de gestion des connaissances. Merci beaucoup pour votre soutient!",
"goToTab1": "Aller à l'onglet #1",
"goToTab2": "Aller à l'onglet #2",
"goToTab3": "Aller à l'onglet #3",
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions app/appearance/langs/zh_CHT.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"includeTime": "具體時間",
"accountSupport1": "自 2020 年8 月31 日第一次公開版本以來,思源筆記已累計發版 481 次,解決用戶需求與反饋 9257 次,提交代碼 10189 次,背後無數次的辛勤付出與長期堅持不懈的更新都 離不開您的支持與回饋。",
"accountSupport2": "思源筆記的發展離不開你的支持,我們會繼續用心做好產品,提供你更好的知識管理體驗。",
"accountSupport1": "自 2020 年 8 月 31 日第一次公開版本以來,思源筆記已累計發版 481 次,解決用戶需求與反饋 9257 次,提交代碼 10189 次,背後無數次的辛勤付出與長期堅持不懈的更新都 離不開您的支持與回饋。",
"accountSupport2": "您的支持與回饋能讓思源筆記更好地開發與發展下去,我們會一直與使用者做朋友,用心做好產品,為您提供更好的知識管理體驗。 非常感謝您的支持! ",
"goToTab1": "跳到第一個頁籤",
"goToTab2": "跳到第二個頁籤",
"goToTab3": "跳到第三個頁籤",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app/appearance/langs/zh_CN.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"includeTime": "具体时间",
"accountSupport1": "自 2020 年 8 月 31 日第一次公开发版以来,思源笔记已累计发版 481 次,解决用户需求与反馈 9257 次,提交代码 10189 次,背后无数次的辛勤付出与长期坚持不懈的更新都离不开您的支持与反馈。",
"accountSupport2": "思源笔记的发展离不开你的支持,我们会继续用心做好产品,为你提供更好的知识管理体验。",
"accountSupport2": "您的支持与反馈能够让思源笔记更好地开发与发展下去,我们会一直与用户做朋友,用心做好产品,为您提供更好的知识管理体验。非常感谢您的支持!",
"goToTab1": "跳转到第一个页签",
"goToTab2": "跳转到第二个页签",
"goToTab3": "跳转到第三个页签",
Expand Down

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