NMOS is a family name for specifications produced by the Advanced Media Workflow Association related to networked media for professional applications.
This repository provides general information about these Specifications, including a technical overview
Other repositories contain the Specifications themselves:
- Discovery and Registration Specification (AMWA IS-04)
- Device Connection Management Specification (AMWA IS-05)
- Network Control Specification (AMWA IS-06)
- WIP Event & Tally Specification (future AMWA IS-07)
You will also see other repositories for other WIP activities within the AMWA Networked Media Incubator.
"WIP" means work in progress
For the latest version of this repository and issue tracker etc. please refer to https://github.com/AMWA-TV/nmos/
Please read the NMOS Technical Overview .
As well as a repostory, each NMOS Specification has documentation. Go to https://amwa-tv.github.io/nmos to see the list.
Further information to help developers and users can be found at https://github.com/AMWA-TV/nmos/wiki.