This installation is based on Openshift AWS setup
Check pre-requisites in the provided link
This set of notes summarize above setup and add some important checks/validations/customizations
Start by cloning the mentioned repository
git clone https://github.com/gnunn1/openshift-aws-setup.git
Check file ⇒ vars/aws-config.yaml for infrastructure related items (server sizing, intallation type, AMI id, public dns zone or users to be created in the platform, among others)
Check file ⇒ roles/openshift-install/files/openshift_inventory.cfg for any openshift related customization (such as enabling/disabling logging and metrics..)
Modify file ⇒ roles/openshift-install/roles/openshift-pre-reqs/main.yml if running on RHEL servers (in my case, I had to remove docker-1.12.6 and set just docker)