This is a short description of the scenario we will be working throughout the labs
It’s going to be a fake home appliance IOT management app, where we will be able to regulate the temperature in different rooms at our home. The application is composed of a set of microservices:
The homeplan - this is a service which allows home owners to register and review their homeplan providing the temperature in each of the rooms in their house and the heat regulating applicances in each room.
The device management - this is a component which receives registration and update requests on the devices.
The sensor generator - this is a ficticious service emitting every 20 secs an event indicating the room temperature dependent on the state of the heating device (ON/OFF and INCREASING/DECREASING temperature)
The homeplan regulator - this is a service which reads our current homeplan and based on the emmitted temperature in the room it regulates the action a device has to take to enforece the plan ie. INCREASE, DECREASE temperature of TURNOFF the device.
BYOD Preperation
Hard Disk: 20 Gb,
Mem: 8 Gb,
CPU: Good one
Note: Mac OSX users checkout this issue on binding to localhost
JDK 1.8 (test java -version)
MAVEN 3.3+ (mvn --version)
Openshift Official Supported (requires subscription) oc tools
oc tools (download for your environment from the bottom of the page)
docker installed
IDE (eg. JBDS, Eclipse, iDEA)
Openshift Origin 'oc cluster up'
The following commands will give you a local Openshift Origin environment to deploy the microservices on
oc cluster up
oc new-project 'you-project-name'
oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:$(oc project -q):default -n $(oc project -q)
AWS Openshift Setup
Option 1: See README_AWS.adoc