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Vue directive plugin for adding class to elements entering the viewport


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Renderless wrapper Vue component for exposing style classes to elements based on their position in relation to the viewport.


npm install sky-appear


yarn add sky-appear

This package depends on the IntersectionObserver API which needs a polyfill for old browsers, including all of IE. Consider using the W3C IntersectionObserver polyfill.

Using the wrapper component

Import and install the SkyAppear wrapper component:

import Vue from 'vue';
import { SkyAppear } from 'sky-appear';

export default {
	name: 'ExampleComponent',
	components: { SkyAppear },
	mounted() {
		console.log('Example component loaded');

Alternatively SkyAppear can be installed globally:

import Vue from 'vue';
import SkyAppear from 'sky-appear';


Basic wrapper example

The wrapper component adds the class sky-appear to the wrapped element when the dom is loaded and the wrapper component is active. Supplementary classes are then added or removed depending on the element’s relation to the viewport.

  • When the element enters the viewport the class sky-appear--inside-viewport is added.
  • When the element is outside the viewport the class sky-appear--outside-viewport is added.
  • When the element is positioned before the viewport the class sky-appear--outside-viewport--before is added* in addition to the sky-appear--outside-viewport class.
  • When the element is positioned after the viewport the class sky-appear--outside-viewport--after is added* in addition to the sky-appear--outside-viewport class.

*The before and after classes will only be set when direction is either "inline" or "block". When the direction is "both" a before or after situation cannot be determined.

<!-- As written in Vue -->
	<div class="test-element">
		Show only when entering the viewport

<!-- As it may appear in the dom -->
<div class="test-element sky-appear sky-appear--outside-viewport sky-appear--outside-viewport--after">
	Show only when entering the viewport

Note that only one top-level element should be active within the wrapper at any given time.

Full wrapper example

The full example below showcases all the functionalities of the wrapper component.

<!-- As written in Vue -->
<div ref=“newRoot”>
			initState: 'outside',
			classless: true,
			appearOnce: false,
			triggerEvents: [
				{ name: 'scroll', target: $refs.newRoot },
			root: $refs.newRoot,
			rootMargin: '10% 10%',
			thresholds: [0, .25, .5, .75, 1],
			delay: 'animationFrame',
		<div class="test-element" v-slot="{ isIntersecting, intersectionRatio }">
					transform: 'translate3d(' + (intersectionRatio * 10) + '%, 0, 0),
				Show only when entering the viewport - is intersecting: {{ isIntersecting }}
			<p v-else>
				Not yet there - is intersecting: {{ state }}

<!-- As it may appear in the dom -->
	<div class="test-element">
		<p style="transform: translate3d(12.5%, 0, 0);">
			Show only when entering the viewport - is intersecting: true

Props overview

There is only a few props to use, as a lot of the setup is done using an options-object passed into the options-prop. In short, the remaining props (active, direction) are the only ones you should change dynamically. The options-prop is best left unchanged after mount.

Prop Description Default value Data type
active Whether or not the wrapper is active and currently detecting. A value of false will also remove the wrapper classes. true Boolean
direction Whether to detect viewport intersection vertically (‘block’), horizontally (‘inline’) or in both directions ('both'). This means when in block-mode the --outside-viewport--before class modifier is set when the element is above the viewport, and the --outside-viewport--after modifier is when below. When in inline-mode ‘before’ is left and ‘after’ is right. Before and after will not be set when 'both' is selected. ‘block’ String
options Options set when the component is first mounted. See the overview below. {} Object

Options overview

All the properties in the options-prop are values, that should be set on mount and then left alone.

Property Description Default value Data type
initState The initiary state before any detection is done. A value of 'inside' will have the element starting with the --inside-viewport class modifier, and 'outside' will have it start without it. 'before' will have it start with the --outside-viewport--before class modifier, and 'after' will have it start with the --outside-viewport--after class modifier. 'inside' String
appearOnce If set to true, the --inside-viewport class modifier will be set only once to never be removed again. Internally tracking of intersections will stop when this happens. true Boolean
triggerEvents An array of which events the internal update-function should also run on, other than on the intersection updates. This can be used for smoother gradients of values.* [] Array
root The root of the intersection observer. Read more. null / viewport Object
rootMargin The root margin of the intersection observer. Read more. ‘0px 0px 0px 0px’ String
thresholds The thresholds of the intersection observer. Read more. [0] Array
delay Set a delay between polling of intersections and trigger events. This can either be a number (miliseconds) or the string 'animationFrame' to utilize `window.requestAnimationFrame()`. 0 Number or String

*The trigger events can either just be the event name as a string or an object. If an object, it shall have a `name` property (this being the event name), but may also have a `target` property (the caller of the event, defaults to window) an `options` property which will be passed to the event.

Events overview

Event Description
enter Event triggering when the wrapper content enters into the viewport. The element needs only be partially within the viewport.
leave Event triggering when the wrapper content leaves the viewport. The element needs to leave the viewport fully.
update Event triggering whenever the viewport changes while the wrapper content is within view. This event will also be triggered by events set by the triggerEvents option.

Each of the event types pass an event object when called upon, and structurally the event object will be the same no matter the event. The object will contain the following properties:

Property Description
target A reference to the element currently observed.
intersectionRatio A value going from 0 (fully out of view) to 1 (fully in view).
intersectionJourney A value going from 0 (fully outside after view) to 1 (fully outside before view).
isIntersecting Boolean value telling if the target is either fully or partially inside the viewport.
isBeforeViewport Boolean value telling whether the target is outside the view in the before-direction (left or upwards depending on set direction).
isAfterViewport Boolean value telling whether the target is outside the view in the after-direction (right or downwards depending on set direction).
boundingClientRect Returns the bounds rectangle of the target element as a DOMRectReadOnly.
intersectionRect Returns a DOMRectReadOnly representing the target’s visible area.
rootBounds Returns a DOMRectReadOnly for the intersection observer’s root.
time A DOMHighResTimeStamp indicating the time at which the intersection was recorded, relative to the IntersectionObserver’s time origin.

Exposed slot props

Other than listening to the events and looking at the classes, the wrapper also exposes a set of properties to be utilized. The exposed props are a selection of the data present in the events: The intersectionRatio, intersectionJourneyisIntersecting, isBeforeViewport and isAfterViewport.

General notes

This wrapper have four main parts, which needs to speak together for it to work.

  1. The intersection observer. This needs to be updated, if the options change, and it needs to update the observed element if it changes.
  2. The classes. These need to actively change based on the current situation, but not more than necessary, as too many DOM-changes can become slow.
  3. The trigger events. These should only be active when they are needed. Also they shall not generate the data for observations (element bounds, calculated intersection ratio, etc.) when it is not needed (for example, if there is a delay set, it shouldn't calculate anything before the delay is reached).
  4. The slotted element. Which can change or be non-existant.

These four parts all have an effect on each other, and if one changes then often the others need to change as well. If bugs are encountered, it is of high likelyhood happening in the intersection bewteen two or more of these parts.

Notes on possible improvement

  • Add global options to be used as defaults.


Vue directive plugin for adding class to elements entering the viewport







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