C# Implant for the Connect Command and Control Framework
Dots is an Implant designed to remotely administrate windows systems. The implant has been designed to communicate with the Connect Command and Control Framework to obtain tasks from operators. These tasks are to be computed similiar to JSON-RPC batch_requests and returned as JSON-RPC batch_responses. Dots features a wide command set including, download and upload, execute_assembly and command execution. This command set is extensible with included compiled .NET assemblies located in the assemblies solution.
Dot is only to be used for legal applications when the explicit permission of the targeted organizaiton has been obtained.
Dots is developed towards the .NET 4.8 framework. Target systems may not have all dependenices installed such as System.Text.JSON. It is recommended to statically compile all dependices when compiling from source to avoid any issues. The following ILMerge command will statically compile all current depencies. Note that this command is intended to be ran within the /bin/Release directory of the Dots solution.
ILMerge.exe /out:DotsMerged.exe Dots.exe Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll System.Buffers.dll System.Memory.dll System.Numerics.Vectors.dll System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll System.Text.Json.dll System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll System.ValueTuple.dll