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Getting Started

First, go to nextjs-rickandmorty-api folder.

Then, run the development server:

yarn dev


  • Create a page that:
    • shows a title for the page that reads: "Rick and Morty characters"
    • a list of 6 cards (see example.png for reference)
  • Create a REST api that returns the information needed to render the page
    • the endpoint should only return the minimum information (name, status, species, gender, image)
    • it should be the responsible of returning the 6 elements

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Store only what we need from the API, not more.
  • Each card should display:
    • Name
    • Status
    • Species
    • Gender
    • Image
  • Correct use of CSS
  • List is only 6 items long.
  • A new GET endpoint exists
  • The endpoint returns the strictly needed information to render the page
