Basketboule π >> NBA stats app V0.6 Converge on a game table format for live and past games: gameId game date (EST) homeTeam teamId and teamName and score awayTeam teamId and teamName and score winningTeam V0.5 streamlit-streamlit_app-2024-10-26-18-10-84.webm V0.4 streamlit-streamlit_app-2024-10-14-23-10-34.webm V0.3 streamlit-streamlit_app-2024-10-14-19-10-64.webm V0.2 streamlit-streamlit_app-2024-10-14-12-10-81.webm V0.1 streamlit-streamlit_app-2024-10-06-10-10-65.webm V0 streamlit-streamlit_app-2024-09-23-15-09-82.webm Resources: NBA API RAPID API-NBA How to make NBA Shot Charts Excel - Create an NBA Shot Chart Using Python & Copilot How to Create NBA Shot Charts in Python Plotting with Python play-by-play data of NBA Games (2015β2021) Supabase in Streamlit Demo app Repo