Smartlink addresses one of the biggest challenges in the global marketplace: ‘Need to Trust,’ by introducing decentralized escrow services and payments processing based on Tezos' institutional-grade smart contracts that suppress the need for buyers and sellers to trust each other.
Smartlink aims to provide a user-centered escrow solution to secure online and face-to-face transactions while broadening payments acceptance options through integrated wrapped currencies.
Smartlink proposes a new method to initiate commercial transactions by offering Trust-As-A-Service to incentivize commitment and eliminate the trust deficit in the global marketplace.
Name | Type | Description |
admin | TAddress | Address of the admin |
reserve | TAddress | Address of the token reserve to pay the stakings |
userStakeLockPack | UserStakeLockPack | See the schema below |
StakeLock | TRecord | Structure of a locked staking |
StakeLock.timestamp | TTimestamp | Timestamp of the begining of the staking |
StakeLock.rate | TNat | Rate of the staking |
StakeLock.value | TNat | Amount of tokens staked |
userStakeFlexPack | TBig_map(TAddress, StakeFlex) | Storage of all the flex stakings |
StakeFlex | TRecord | Structure of a flex staking |
StakeFlex.timestamp | TTimestamp | Timestamp of the begining of the staking |
StakeLock.reward | TNat | Rewards for the past period of the staking |
StakeLock.value | TNat | Amount of tokens staked |
stakingOptions | TMap(TNat, stakingOption) | Storage of all the staking packs |
stakingOption | TRecord | Structure of a staking option |
stakingOption.minStake | TNat | Minimum amount of tokens that can be sent in one transaction |
stakingOption.maxStake | TNat | Maximum amount of tokens that can be sent in one transaction |
stakingOption.stakingPeriod | TInt | Duration of a staking |
stakingOption.stakingPercentage | TNat | Rate of the staking |
votingContract | TAddress | Address of the voting contract that will be implemented in the future |
stakingHistory | TMap(TTimestamp, TInt) | Mapping of the number of SMAK staked at a timestamp |
This is the structure of the nested maps userStakeLockPack
@sp.utils.view(sp.TMap(sp.TNat, sp.TRecord(minStake=sp.TNat, maxStake=sp.TNat, stakingPeriod=sp.TInt, stakingPercentage=sp.TNat)))
def getStakingOptions(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TUnit)
Returns the whole map of staking options.
@sp.utils.view(sp.TRecord(minStake=sp.TNat, maxStake=sp.TNat, stakingPeriod=sp.TInt, stakingPercentage=sp.TNat))
def getStakingOptionById(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TNat)
Returns the specified staking option.
def getAdmin(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TUnit)
Returns the address of the admin.
def getReserve(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TUnit)
Returns the address of the reserve which will pay the staking rewards.
def getTokenContractAddress(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TUnit)
Returns the address of the token contract.
def getVotingContract(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TUnit)
Returns the address of the voting contract.
@sp.utils.view(sp.TBigMap(sp.TAddress, StakeFlex))
def getAllStakeFlex(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TUnit)
Returns the whole map of the flex stakings.
@sp.utils.view(sp.TBigMap(sp.TAddress, sp.TMap(sp.TNat, sp.TMap(sp.TNat, StakeLock))))
def getAllStakeLock(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TUnit)
Returns the whole map of locked stakings.
@sp.utils.view(sp.TMap(sp.TNat, StakeLock))
def getLockStakeByPack(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(pack = sp.TNat, address = sp.TAddress))
Returns all the stakings of a specified user for a specified pack.
@sp.utils.view(sp.TMap(sp.TNat, sp.TMap(sp.TNat, StakeLock)))
def getLockStakeInformation(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TAddress)
Returns all the locked stakings for a specified user.
def getLockStakeByPackAndId(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(pack = sp.TNat, address = sp.TAddress, id_ = sp.TNat).layout(("id_ as id", ("pack", "address"))))
Returns a specified staking of a specified pack of a specified user.
def getFlexStakeInformation(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TAddress)
Returns the flex staking of the specified user.
def getCurrentPendingRewards(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TAddress)
Returns the pending rewards for a user.
def updateReserve(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(reserve=sp.TAddress))
Sets the reserve address.
def updateAdmin(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(admin=sp.TAddress))
Sets the admin address of the contract.
def updateContract(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(contract = sp.TAddress))
Sets the address of the token contract.
def updateVotingContract(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(contract = sp.TAddress))
Sets the adress of the voting contract.
def is_voting_contract(self, contract):
Verifies if the address in param is the voting contract address.
def createStakingOption(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(_id = sp.TNat, rate = sp.TNat, _max = sp.TNat, _min = sp.TNat, duration = sp.TInt).layout(("_id as id", ("rate", ("_max as max", ("_min as min", "duration"))))))
Function used to create a stacking pack (Period / APY). Only Admin
- the id of the staking parameters
- the staking rate
- the maximum staking amount per transaction
- the minimum staking amount per transaction
- the staking period
def updateStakingOptionRate(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(_id = sp.TNat, rate = sp.TNat).layout(("_id as id", "rate")))
Sets the new duration of the staking pack.
def updateStakingOptionMax(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(_id = sp.TNat, _max = sp.TNat).layout(("_id as id", "_max as max")))
Sets the new max amount per transaction.
def updateStakingOptionMin(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(_id = sp.TNat, _min = sp.TNat).layout(("_id as id", "_min as min")))
Sets the new min per transaction
def stakeLock(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(pack = sp.TNat, amount = sp.TNat))
Stakes the amount of tokens using the parameters of the pack specified. Will initialize the map for the user if it's his first staking.
def stakeFlex(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(amount = sp.TNat))
Stakes the amount of tokens using the flex pack parameters. Will initialize the staking for the user if it's his first staking. Else it will only update the staking.
def unstakeLock(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(pack=sp.TNat, index=sp.TNat))
Unstakes the specified stake. If the stake period isn't finished the user won't receive his rewards.
def unlockWithReward(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(pack = sp.TNat, index = sp.TNat))
Function called by unstakeLock
if the staking period has finished. Will send the user his tokens back + the rewards.
def unlockWithoutReward(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(index = sp.TNat, pack = sp.TNat))
Function called by unstakeLock
if the staking period has not finished. Will only send the user his tokens back.
def unstakeFlex(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(amount = sp.TNat))
Computes the reward for the last staking period, sets the timestamp to the actual timestamp, updates the value of the stake and sends the user his tokens back.
def claimRewardFlex(self):
Sends the rewards available to the user.
def getReward(self, params):
sp.set_type(params, sp.TRecord(start=sp.TTimestamp, end = sp.TTimestamp, value= sp.TNat, rate=sp.TNat))
Internal function that will compute the rewards for a period.