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Releases: smart-on-fhir/cumulus-library-data-metrics


15 Jan 18:55
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This release fixes an error when exporting the data-metrics tables.


09 Jan 15:43
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This release adds some new metrics and features:

  • New attachment-oriented metrics, to help evaluate NLP-readiness of your document references and diagnostic reports.
  • Relatedly, now that Cumulus ETL provides a marker when it strips attachment info, the US Core metrics added checks for DiagnosticReport.presentedForm and DocumentReference.context.attachment, where appropriate.
    • For performance reasons, the addition of this extra validation field for DocumentReferences meant that we now split the c_us_core_v4_count DocumentReference tables into two for performance reasons.
  • Added a median statistic column to c_resources_per_pt
  • All cube counts generated now have low-patient-count combinations (rows with less than ten patients) cut out, to protect privacy and make it harder to de-identify the patients.
  • Fixed a bug when running data-metrics against a freshly created and empty Athena database.


20 Nov 14:12
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This release supports the new Cumulus Library 4.0 release and correctly tags its exports as count, flat, or meta tables.


14 Oct 19:38
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We now export the meta_date and meta_version tables during a cumulus-library export action.


01 Oct 13:42
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When stratifying by category, data-metrics now follows US Core more closely by adding additional Condition category codes (health-concern and 16100001 - death diagnosis from SNOMED) and restricting DiagnosticReport category codes to just the ones mentioned by US Core (LAB and three specific LOINC note codes).


21 Aug 18:47
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Breaking changes since 4.x:

  • Requires Cumulus Library 3.0
  • Requires Python 3.11

Notable changes:

  • Exports the "flat" summary tables that the quality (q_*) metrics create


23 Jul 14:38
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Stop trying to export the "flat" summary tables for now - that requires the unreleased 3.0.0 version of Cumulus Library.


16 Jul 15:53
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  • Quiets an annoying warning about output-mode if you didn't specify it
  • Exports the "flat" summary tables too


15 Jul 19:14
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Breaking changes since 3.0.0:

  • c_resources_per_pt
    • Special value * All is renamed to cumulus__all and * No recognized category is renamed to cumulus__none
  • Flat tables (that is, non-cube tables like c_resources_per_pt and all the q_* tables) got a few new guarantees:
    • The first column is always the resource
    • There is always a second column for a group identifier - the column will be named something table-specific (like profile or category)
    • For each resource, the second column will always include a cumulus__all roll-up entry and a more-specific entry (even if that more specific entry is a complete duplicate with a null value)

Other notable changes:

  • c_resources_per_pt: Added a std_dev column
  • c_us_core_v4_count: Stop looking for presentedForm in DiagnosticReport profiles, since the ETL strips that field
  • q_date_recent: Fixed a syntax error when running against AWS Athena
  • q_system_use: Catch cases of codeableConcepts that are defined but with all null values
  • Support the new cumulus-library option syntax of --option output-mode:aggregate for specifying an aggregate output mode.


10 Jun 13:40
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Breaking changes since 2.0.0:

  • c_us_core_v4_count: The existing per-profile tables have all been split in two: a _mandatory table and a _must_support table.
    • The valid_mandatory and valid fields have been removed from the must-support table and the mandatory table now lists each separate mandatory check.
    • When running in cube mode (the default), the observation mandatory tables are also broken up into two or three smaller tables for performance reasons (_mandatory1, _mandatory2, etc). This is not elegant, but the observation table is a big beast and cubing wouldn't complete on a large database if we don't do this. aggregate mode keeps all the fields in one table.
    • Any duplicated checks between mandatory and must-support profiles are not included in the mandatory table, to avoid duplicate field names and the resulting confusion. For example, Condition's must-support verificationStatus field's value is both (a) checked for validity against the required binding as a mandatory check and (b) checked for whether it is present (and also checked for a valid value) as a must-support check. That's redundant in a c_us_core_v4_count context, so we only track valid_verification_status in the must-support table.
  • c_us_core_v4_count: Encounter's must-support valid_reason_code field has been renamed to valid_reason as it now also checks the alternative field reasonReference (in addition to reasonCode)

Other import changes:

  • c_us_core_v4_count: Encounter's must-support valid_location field also checks the alternative field serviceProvider (in addition to location.location)
  • q_system_use: Allow the NullFlavor system for DocumentReference's type field
  • q_system_use: Correct a few typos on Procedure's code field's allowed systems
  • q_system_use: If a field is not present, we don't include it in the numerator (this avoids erroneously including Vital Signs that don't have a valueCodeableConcept field). If a required field is missing altogether, that's another metric's job - this metric just flags the systems in use.