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smartPhotoMeter, smartColoriMeter and smartSpectroMeter

Easy-to-use OpenSource devices for measurement of transmission, emission and absorption of light at given ranges of wavelengths of colored or not colored substances in solution.

  • For analytics of aqueous solutions.
  • Works with ultraviolet, visible and near infrared light ranges, by wavelengths around 320 up to 950 nm.

Allows CIE compliant measurements of colors and their transformation into various color spaces and color systems including the determination of colour differences to common color indices/references according to classic as well as modern standards (ΔE CIE 1976, ΔE CIE 1994, ΔE CIE 2000, ΔE CMC(1:1), ΔE CMC(2:1), ΔE DIN99).

Turbidity – a source of error
The turbidity of a sample is often underestimated, because often it is not possible to see it visually.
The nephelometric turbidity of a sample is measured and displayed for every single measurement automatically.

Due to their wide range of application, their reliability and robustness

Transmission Emission Absorbance Colorimetric
smartPhotoMeter X X X
smartTurbidiMeter X X X
smartColoriMeter X
smartSpectroMeter X X X X X X

they can be perfectly used as portable analytical instruments for outdoor analytics.

Your insurance for secure measurement results.

Electromagnetic radiation used for photometric and spectrum analysis

In simple terms, photometry is a measurement method for determining the concentration of colored solutions with the aid of electromagnetic radiation (“light”).

The two most common types of photometers are:

  • Spectrophotometer
  • Filter photometer

In spectrophotometers a monochromator (with prism or with grating) is used to obtain monochromatic light of defined wavelengths. They can also be used to scan the spectrum of the absorbing substance. Spectrum scans can be used for additional colorimetric analysis at a wavelength range from 360 nm to 830 nm.

In filter photometers, optical filters are used to give the monochromatic light.


Due to the evolution and availability of various types of LEDs it is easily possible to obtain nearly monochromatic light with specific wavelength ranges for respective measurements, but without the need to setup an complex and sensitive monochromator or filter mechanismn.

  • The selection of the optimum wavelength range depends on the color of the sample solution and the associated absorption of the complementary color.
  • For a blue solution, a wavelength range near to yellow should be used (green LED), while for a yellow solution a blue LED should be used, since always the complementary color is absorbed.
  • The more closely the absorption maximum of the substance to be detected is approached, the higher the performance of the photometer will be.
  • The smaller the spectral bandwidth of the LED (the range between lower and upper wavelength), the higher the photometer resolution.


The photometric determination of turbidity at a wavelength of 850 nm only to circumvent additional absorption of color in the visible region (following DIN EN ISO 7027).

  • Double-beam measurement by using two independant IR light sources and optical paths


An RGB sensor with color sensing photodiodes (red, green, blue) can be used for colorimetric analysis.

An IR blocking filter, integrated on-chip and localized to the color sensing photodiodes, minimizes the IR spectral component of the incoming light and allows color measurements to be made accurately.


Due to the evolution and availability of various types of spectral sensors it is easily possible to measure the intensity of light at a specific wavelength range, but without the need to setup an complex and sensitive monochromator or filter mechanismn.

By using a low-voltage quartz halogen capsule lamp (Quartz-UV Open) and an array of spectral sensors a spectrum for the range of UVA, VIS and IR-A light can be obtained accurately.

These spectral sensors have 20 independent on-device optical filters whose spectral response is defined in a range from 330 nm to 940 nm with a Full Width Half Max (FWHM) of 20 nm.

Spectrum scans can be used for qualitative, quantitative and colorimetric analysis at a wavelength range from 360 nm to 830 nm.


The selection of an appropriate cuvette for each measurement is crucial. The material (depending on the wavelength) and size of the cuvette are the two key factors.

  • High-quality materials such as quartz are used in rectangular standard cuvettes for measurements in the UV range.
  • In addition to round and rectangular cuvettes, there are also special cuvettes, such as flow-through cuvettes, where the sample solution is passed into and out of the cuvette by a pump.
  • The size of the cuvette is directly related to the layer thickness that is effective in the Lambert-Beer law. Generally speaking, the larger the cuvette and the sample volume, the greater the layer thickness, and the more sensitive the measurement can be.

Setup options

Photometrie spectrum Colorimetriemetrie spectrum Colorimetriemetrie spectrum
Ultraviolet radiation
100-280 nm UVC UV transmitting quartz glass cuvette
> 190 nm
Numerous anorganic and
especially organic compounds
absorb UV light
280-315 nm UVB
315-400 nm UVA Borosilicate glass cuvette
> 290 nm
Colors of light and complementary colors
400–435 nm Violet Yellow-Green Normal glass (soda-lime glass) cuvette
> 350 nm
Anorganic compounds
by using calibrated test
435–495 nm Blue Yellow
495–520 nm Cyan (Blue-Green) Red
520–570 nm Green Violet
570–600 nm Yellow Blue
600–625 nm Orange Cyan (Blue-Green)
625–700 nm Red Cyan (Blue-Green)
700–780 nm Deep Red Cyan (Blue-Green)
Infrared radiation
780-1400 nm IR-A (NIR) Nephelometric turbidity measurement
Biological samples
Sectroscopic analysis of aqueous solutions
1400-3000 nm IR-B (SWIR)
3000 nm - 1 mm IR-C (MWIR, LWIR, FIR)

Reducing complexity

  • by using low-voltage RGB, UVA and IR-A LEDs and quartz halogen capsule lamps (Quartz-UV Open).
  • by the integration of various digital light and spectral sensors orchestrated by simple microcontrollers.
  • by distributing different analysis methods on multiple meshed devices.
  • by the strict segregation of data acquisition, processing, transmission, analytics and their visualisation on different layers and devices.

Being Smart - The difference

Connect all devices (Microcontroller including their connected LED/Halogen fireworks and light sensors) via WiFi to your internal network and orchestrate them by using simple web- or MQTT-based APIs.


Any device (e.g. PC, Laptop, Tablet, smartPhone, ...) with a standard web browser can be used to access a simple web page on the microcontroller (MC).

A Javascript application will start within your browser and is triggering and managing all analytis, evaluation of measured values and their visualisation.

Environmental monitoring

Monitor and secure your environment in real time with online monitoring by logging readings into a central database with MQTT-based APIs.

Absorbance measurement

The principle of absorption photometers is that (as far as possible) monochromatic light is allowed to pass through a cuvette containing the solution. It then reaches a light sensor, that measures the intensity of the light compared to the intensity after passing through an identical cuvette with the same solvent but without the colored substance. From the ratio between the light intensities, knowing the capacity of the colored substance to absorb light, it is possible to calculate the concentration of the substance using Lambert-Beer's law.

Colored solution Principles of photometrie
Extinction coefficient Absorbance
λ Wavelength [nm]
Bo Beam (measuring) angle [o]
180 o: Transmitted light measurement (Absorbance)
90 o: Nephelometric turbidity (scattered light) measurement
I0 Intensity of incident light [lux]
IT Intensity of transmitted light [lux]
T = IT / I0 Transmission
Energy passing through
Range: 0.0 - 1.0
A = 1 - T Absorption
Energy lost
Eλ = - log ( T ) = log ( 1 / T ) = ελ * c * d Absorbance
Lambert-Beer law
Optimum range: 0.1 – 1.0
SACλ = Eλ / d * 100 Spectral Absorption Coefficient [m-1]
c = Eλ / ( ελ * d ) = Eλ * F = Eλ / m Concentration of absorbing substance in the liquid [mol/l]
F = 1 / m = 1 / ( ελ * d ) Factor
Test specific
m = ΔE / Δc = ελ * d Slope
N Zero value
ελ Molar decadic extinction coefficient [l/mol/cm]
d Thickness of the solution layer [cm]

NTU check

  • Safely spot interfering turbidities
  • Unique for maximum measurement result safety
  • Runs automatically with each measurement

Color measurement

Color assessment focusses on the optical characteristics of the material, i.e. its ability to modify incident light waves. If an object is exposed to light, it reflects a certain portion of the light, absorbs another portion and transmits the rest.

  • Reflectance is the basic value for color measurement at reflecting materials (surfaces).
  • Transmittance is the basic value for color measurement at transparent materials (clear liquids, foils).

Color perception is, like any other spatial perception, three-dimensional. This means that colors can be described by three clear measures of quantity like e.g. lightness, hue and saturation.

CIE 1931 is a Color Matching System that specify a measured color numerically by 3 functions called the RGB color matching functions.

Color Matching functions have three fixed primary colors and each function outputs the amount of primary needed to create a desired color when all three are mixed. 700nm, 546.1nm and 435.8nm are the primaries of the 1931 RGB color matching functions: r(λ), g(λ), b(λ). Plotted below.

Die Werte X, Y und Z werden Normfarbwerte oder auch Tristimulus-Werte genannt.

A colorimeter is generally any tool that characterizes color samples to provide an objective measure of color characteristics.

Color parameters:

  • Conversions of measured color into various color spaces
  • Measuring of color distance/difference against quality control standards (e.g. color scales/indices/references)

Color Spaces

Normally, color spaces are three dimensional spaces with a color component on every axis. The colour of an object is defined by combining these three elements.

The following color spaces are supported:

Colored solution Principles of colorimetrie
Extinction coefficient Absorbance
Φ Luminous flux [lm]
Ω Solid angel in Steradian [sr]
E = Φ / A Illumination [lux] [lm / m2]
I = Φ / Ω Luminous intensity or candelpower [mcd] [lm / sr]
Clear (unfiltered) value
RGB are tristimulus values
r = R/(R+G+B)
g = G/(R+G+B)
b = B/(R+G+B)
rgb are chromaticity coordinates and r + g + b = 1
R, G and B (filtered) values
X = a * Tx + b * Tz
Y = Ty = Illuminance
Z = c * Tz

a, b and c depend on illuminant and observer
Standard illuminant C and 2°-observer
Standard tristimulus values
CIE-1931 color space (tristimulus system)
x = X / ( X + Y + Z )
y = Y / ( X + Y + Z )
z = Z / ( X + Y + Z )
x + y + z = 1
Chromaticity coordinates in the tristimulus system
TC = 449 * n3 + 3525 * n2 + 6823.3 * n + 5520.33
where n = ( x − 0.3320 ) / ( 0.1858 − y )
Light color temperature (CCT) in Kelvin [oK]
McCamy’s formula
L* = 116 * ∛( Y / Yn ) - 16
a* = 500 * ( ∛( X / Xn ) - ∛( Y / Yn ) )
b* = 200 * ( ∛( Y / Yn ) - ∛( Z / Zn ) )
C* = √( a*2 + b*2 )
hab = arctan( b* / a* )

Xn, Yn and Zn depend on illuminant and observer
CIE-L*a*b* colorimetric system
Calculated from standard tristimulus values X, Y and Z, but with different equations
The color space is related to the CIE-Lab space in purpose, but differs in implementation
Used for the assessment of surface colors

Color Distance

To determine color differences according to classic as well as modern standards (ΔE CIE 1976, ΔE CIE 1994, ΔE CIE 2000, ΔE CMC(1:1), ΔE CMC(2:1), ΔE DIN99).


ΔE*wp: Color difference between the sample and water
ΔE*ws: Color difference between the standard solution and water

ΔE*wp < ΔE*ws
CIE-L*a*b* difference values

Color Scales

Color scales/indices/references are common and simple methods to determine the color of a sample.

The sample is compared with a series of colored standards/references. The result corresponds to the standard with the most similar colors.

Color scale Range Calibration / Standard Measurement
Iodine Color Number 0 - 120 mg of iodine per 100ml potassium iodide solution (DIN 6162)
Hazen Color Number (APHA) 0 - 1000 Measure yellow hues in liquids (DIN ISO 6271)

Calibration standard with 500 mg/l Pt/Co 500 (500 Hazen)
E430 = 0.115
E455 = 0.135
E480 = 0.115
E510 = 0.06

(Optical path length: 10 mm)
Gardner Color Number 0 - 18
Lovibond Color System Lovibond® 1) yellow/red Ly 0 - 120, Lr 0 - 20
European Pharmacopoeia (EP) Color Determination B, BY, Y, GY, R Colors in CIE-L*a*b* colorimetric system
US Pharmacopoeia (USP) Color Determination A - T Colors in CIE-L*a*b* colorimetric system
Chinese Pharmacopoeia (CP) Color Determination OR,OY,Y,YG,BR Colors in CIE-L*a*b* colorimetric system
Klett Color Number 0 - 1000 Absorption of a sample liquid in a square cuvette of 4cm (or 2cm) path length measured through a blue filter KlettPhot = E470
Hess-Ives Color Number Cosmetic industry, color evaluation of fat derivatives

R, G and B are the color components for the red (640 nm), green (560nm) and blue (464nm) shares
H-I = (R + G + B) * 6 / layerthickness
R = 43,45 * E640
G = 162,38 * E560
B = 22,89 * ( E460 + E470 ) / 2
Yellowness Index
(ASTM D1925)
For transparent liquids on the basis of CIE XYZ-tristimulus values, standard illuminant C and the 2°-standard observer. Yi = 100 * ( Tx - Tz / Ty )
ADMI Color Number 0 - 500 Colors in CIE-L*a*b* colorimetric system
Acid Wash Color Determination 1 - 14 Colors in CIE-L*a*b* colorimetric system
EBC Brewery Color Number Optical path length: 10 mm 25 * E430
ASBC Brewery Color Number 1 ASBC = 0.375 EBC color + 0.46 12.7 * E430
SAC436 Spectral Absorption Coefficient describes the yellow colouring of potable-, used- or wastewater. The measuring range is indicated in m-1. (Extinction per meter optical path lenght [Ext/m]). E436
European Pharmacopoeia (EP) color scales in CIE-Lab* colorimetric system (C°2, d=5cm)

European Pharmacopoeia (EP) color scales in CIE-L*a*b* colorimetric system

US Pharmacopoeia (USP) color scales in CIE-Lab* colorimetric system (C°2, d=5cm)

US Pharmacopoeia (USP) color scales in CIE-L*a*b* colorimetric system

Chinese Pharmacopoeia (CP) color scales in CIE-Lab* colorimetric system (C°2, d=5cm)

Chinese Pharmacopoeia (CP) color scales in CIE-L*a*b* colorimetric system

Acid Wash color scales in CIE-Lab* colorimetric system (C°2, d=5cm)

Acid Wash color scales in CIE-L*a*b* colorimetric system

Comparison of ASTM D1500 and ASTM D156 (Saybolt) color

ASTM D1500 color scale

Comparison of ASTM D1500 and ASTM D156 (Saybolt) color

Comparison of ASTM D1500 and ASTM D156 (Saybolt) color

Comparison of visual color systems with the Z-transmittances (C°2, d=1cm)

Comparison of visual color systems with the Z-transmittances

Iodine color number (C°2, d=1cm)

Iodine color number (C°2, d=1cm)

Hazen number (C°2, measured with d=5cm, calculated to d=1cm)

Hazen number (C°2, measured with d=5cm, calculated to d=1cm)

Gardner color scale (C°2, d=1cm)

Gardner color scale (C°2, d=1cm)

Iodine, Hazen and Gardner color scales in CIE-Lab* colorimetric system (C°2, d=1cm)

Iodine, Hazen and Gardner color scales in CIE-L*a*b* colorimetric system (C°2, d=1cm)

ADMI and Hazen color scales in CIE-Lab* colorimetric system (C°2, d=1cm)

ADMI and Hazen color scales in CIE-L*a*b* colorimetric system

Turbidity measurement

Turbidity (opacity, clouding, haze) is an optical property of a liquid sample describing the degree of clarity. Turbidity is caused by small suspended (insoluble) particles having a refractive index different from the medium. This results in absorption, scattering and reflection of the incident light. In general, the higher the turbidity, the more intense is the resulting scattered light. Turbidity particles absorb at virtually all frequencies, due to their three-dimensional structure.

Additional absorption of color in the visible region may be circumvented by a measurement in the infrared (IR) or near-infrared (NIR) range. Accordingly, the attenuation of transmission is a measure of the concentration of turbidity-causing solids. The photometric determination of turbidity is usually done at a wavelength of 860 nm (DIN EN ISO 7027).

Factors that influence this intensity:

  • Wavelength of the incident light
  • Particle size and shape
  • Refractive index and color of the sample

Photometry is an objective measurement that allows the comparison of different levels of turbidity:

  • Double-beam measurement by using two independant IR light sources and optical paths

    • In case of heavy turbidity
      • Absorbance measurement (transmitted light measurement) at a 180° beam angle from 2-400 NTU

    Recommended measuring range: 40–4000 FAU (DIN EN ISO 7027) Light source and detector are located on the same axis (180° angle). The reduced light intensity which remains after passing through the sample is measured.

    • In case of low turbidity
      • Nephelometric stray light measurement at a 90° beam angle from 0.1-1000 NTU The intensity of the light which is scattered by undissolved particles in the sample is measured. The international unit is the nephelometric turbidity unit, NTU. Other units are FTU (formazine turbidity unit), FNU (formazine nephelometric unit) and TU/F (turbidity unit formazine). Recommended measuring range: 0–40 FNU (DIN EN ISO 7027) The international unit is FAU (formazine attenuation unit). In Germany, the spectral absorption coefficient SAK [1/m] is often used.

· Transmitted light measurement at medium to high turbidity concentration (about 40–4000 FAU); used e.g. for determination of the solid portion in activated sludge. · Light scattering measurement at low turbidity concentration (about 1–40 FNU); e.g. in treated wastewater.

Turbid solution Principles of turbidimetrie
λ Wavelength [nm]
Bo Beam (measuring) angle [o]
180 o: Transmitted light measurement (Absorbance)
90 o: Nephelometric turbidity (scattered light) measurement
I0 Intensity of incident light [lux]
IT Intensity of transmitted light [lux]
T = IT / I0 Transmission
Energy passing through
Range: 0.0 - 1.0
A = 1 - T Absorption
Energy lost
Eλ = - log ( T ) = ελ * c * d Absorbance
Lambert-Beer law
Optimum range: 0.1 – 1.0
SACλ = Eλ / d * 100 Spectral Absorption Coefficient [m-1]
c = Eλ / ( ελ * d ) = Eλ * F Concentration of absorbing substance in the liquid [mol/l]
F = 1 / ( ελ * d ) Factor
Test specific
ελ Molar decadic extinction coefficient [l/mol/cm]
d Thickness of the solution layer [cm]
Turbidity Opacity, clouding, haze
FNU Formazine Nephelometric Unit
NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
FAU Formazine Attenuation Unit

smartPhotometer are in this way cheap, robust and easy-to-use, but very flexible and also provide multiple analysis and reporting options which normally are only available in very expensive high end solutions.

Don't reinvent the wheel and rely on agile open source communities.

Tips and tricks

  • The filling level of the cuvette must be at least 4 cm due to the beam path of the photometers.
  • Turbid samples have to be filtered; turbidity leads to incorrect results.


Measuring modes UV SAC Color VIS SAC / Turbidity Turbidity Spectrum SAC / Turbidity
Target wavelength 254 nm VIS VIS, 436 nm 850 nm 850 nm 850 nm UVA, VIS, 436 nm, NIR 850 nm
Light spectrum
100-400 nm UV UVA
400-780 nm VIS VIS VIS
> 780 nm IR IR IR NIR IR
Device smart-UV-Photometer smartColoriMeter smart-PhotoMeter smartTurbidiMeter smartSpectroMeter
Measurement method Absorbance Color index Absorbance Nephelometric turbidity Absorbance Nephelometric turbidity Absorbance, Color index Nephelometric turbidity
Beam angle [o] 180 180 180 90 180 90 180 90
LED(s) and Sensor chip mounting height [mm] 20.0
Illuminance (EV) [lux = lm/m2] X X X X X X X X X
Color index RGB
Light color temperature (CCT) [oK] X
LED(s) NSPU510CS 504WC2E-W6-3PC LL-509RGBC2E-006 HIR383C-L289 2 x HIR383C-L289 7387 10W G4 6V 1CT/10X10F HIR383C-L289
Light color UVA Warm White Red Green Blue IR IR IR Warm White IR
Color Rendering Index (CRI) [Ra] 80 100
Light color temperature (CCT) [oK] 3000 3200
Standard illuminant (CIE 1931/2o) LED-B2 Halogen
Chromaticity Coordinates (CIE 1931/2o) x = 0.43
y = 0.40
Wavelength (λP) [nm] 375 410-780 626 525 470 850 850 850
Spectrum half width (Δλ) [nm] 9 20 40 26 45 45 45
Luminous intensity IV [mcd]
(by I = 12 mA)
13800 1920 2400 1200
Luminous flux (ΦV) [lm] 1.0 1.2 0.6
Viewing angle (2θ) [o] 15 40 25 18 18
Ø [mm] 5
Length [mm] 8.3 8.65 8.6 8.6 8.6
Long leg Anode (+) Anode (+) Common Cathode (-) Anode (+) Anode (+)
IF [mA] 20 25 35 100 100
VR [V] 4 5 5 5 5
VF [V]
(by I = 12 mA)
3.4 2.9 1.93 2.9 3.4 1.3 1.3
Calculated series resistor [Ω] 0 33.3 114.2 33.3 0 175 175
Series resistor [Ω] 0 62 182 62 0 182 182
GPIO 12 12 12 13 14 23 12 23
Cuvette UV quartz cuvette UV quartz cuvette Normal glass (soda-lime glass) Normal glass (soda-lime glass)
Material UV transmitting quartz UV transmitting quartz Normal glass (soda-lime glass) Normal glass (soda-lime glass)
Chemical and heat resistant Yes
Transmission range [nm] 190-2500 190-2500 350-2500 350-2500
Form Square Square Round Round
Polished sidewalls 2 2 N/A N/A
L x W x H [mm] 12.5 x 12.5 x 45.0 12.5 x 12.5 x 45.0 N/A N/A
Ø x H [mm] N/A N/A 16.0 x 200.0 16.0 x 200.0
Wall thickness [mm] 1.25 1.25 1.00 1.00
Light path length [mm] 10.0 10.0 14.0 14.0
Sample volume [ml] 3.5 3.5 >5 >5
Light sensor VEML6070 TCS34725 TSL2591 TSL2591
Wavelength (λP) [nm] 355 525 650 850 850
Spectrum half width (Δλ) [nm] 20 125 150 42 42
Spectrum range (λR) [nm] 320-380 380-780 380-780 780-910 780-910
Voltage [V] 3.3-5.0
SDA: 4
I2C address 0x10 0x29 0x29 0x29
L x W x H [mm] 13.0 x 12.0 x 2.0 20.3 x 20.3 x 2.0 19.0 x 16.5 x 2.0 19.0 x 16.5 x 2.0
Microcontroller ESP32-WROOM-32 NodeMCU WLAN/WiFi
L x W x H [mm] 48.3 x 25.4 x 10.0
Firmware ESP_Easy_mega_20201102_test_ESP32_4M316k-factory.bin
Update Via Web-GUI by using OTA (Over the Air)
Case OpenSCAD 3D model (smartPhotometer-3d-model.scad)
3D printing via STL exports
Filament Black PLA
Layer height [mm] 0.2
STL exports smart-UV-Photometer-Case.stl smart-Colorimeter-Case.stl smart-RGB-Photometer-Case.stl smart-IR-Turbidimeter-Case.stl
smart-UV-Photometer-Cuvette-Holder.stl smart-Colorimeter-Cuvette-Holder.stl smart-RGB-Photometer-Cuvette-Holder.stl smart-IR-Turbidimeter-Cuvette-Holder.stl


Creative Commons License
smartPhotometer by smartAquaMetering is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
For permissions beyond the scope of this license see


Smart, simple and easy aqua analytics







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