• A Go-based backend that handles frame capturing and streaming.
• An ESP32 firmware for local camera frame receiving (grayscale or RGB565) and optional WiFi configuration.
• A Flutter app that provides a responsive interface to view and manage streams, it also provides a simple way of interacting with the ESP32 firmware by using actions (basically http requests which can be easily managed).
• Real-time JPEG streaming and frame requests in color (RGB565) or grayscale.
• Custom HTTP requests with optional headers and body data for interactions.
• Docker and Makefile scripts for building and deploying the Go backend.
• Straightforward UI to manage connections and their actions in the Flutter app.
- Run the server in the “server” folder using Make (Docker optional).
- Flash the ESP32 firmware using platformio with correctly set up WiFi credentials and server IP.
- Open the Flutter app in “mobile/jpeg_stream_viewer” to manage and view streams.
- Check out server/app/config.json for a basic configuration example.
- Update WiFi credentials in the ESP32 code before flashing.