- Update to .NET 8.0
- Added external results readers for MsPathFinder, Crux, and FlashLFQ
- Changed MBR scoring functions within FlashLFQ, refactored FlashLfqEngine
- Added new function for generating decoy proteins, ScrambleDecoyProteinSequence
What's Changed
- Update nearly all nuget packages and .Net to 8.0 by @trishorts in #783
- Added support for crux output by @nbollis in #774
- MsPathFinderT result reading by @nbollis in #775
- All Quantified Peaks Reader by @nbollis in #788
- Refactored FlashLFQEngine and updated scoring functions for MBR by @Alexander-Sol in #777
- Pwsm target decoy by @Alexander-Sol in #769
- Updated package versions in nuspec by @Alexander-Sol in #790
- Added scramble method in Protein class that enables generation of decoy proteins that aren't homologous to target proteins, associated tests by @Alexander-Sol in #789
Full Changelog: 1.0.549...1.0.550