- Push this repository to GitHub
- Create a new Azure Static Web App
- Link it to your GitHub repository
- Azure will add a build task to your repository and deploy the app
You'll need to add your API key into a a Configuration setting in the Azure management portal.
- Click Configuration
- Add a setting named ABLY_API_KEY with your API key as the value
- Add a setting named AUDD_API_KEY with your AudD API key
- Save the settings.
Azure static web apps don't run traditional "server side code", but if you include a directory with some Azure functions in your application, Azures deployment engine will automatically create and manage Azure functions for you, that you can call from your static application.
For local development, we'll just use the Azure functions SDK to replicate this, but for production, we can use static files (or files created by a static site generator of your choice) and Azure will serve them for us.