A Node.js webapp, interacting with Ably over the Ably JavaScript SDK, and a hardware counterpart that subscribes to the message over MQTT on an Arduino. When coloured lights are pressed in the web UI, the t-shirt lights up!
- An Ably account and API key
- An Azure Account for hosting on production
- Node 12 (LTS)
You will need to host the API, and can do so using Azure functions, you will need to install the Azure functions core tools. In your terminal, run:
npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools
You will also need to set your API key for local development. In your terminal, run:
cd api
func settings add ABLY_API_KEY Your-Ably-Api-Key
Running these commands will encrypt your API key into the file /api/local.settings.json
You don't need to check it in to source control, and even if you do, it won't be usable on another machine.
- NPM install in the repository root
- Crete an Ably account to get an Ably API key - docs here
- Set your API key as explained in pre-requirements
cd api
func settings add ABLY_API_KEY Your-Ably-Api-Key
Clone the matrix-driver GitHub repo
Open the Arduino sketch file
Edit the Configuration.h file to add your Wifi and Ably credentials.
Deploy the Arduino code to your
AdaFruit Feather Huzzah ESP8266
Run the
by typingnpm run start
Browse to the running Web App and paint some pixels!
We're using snowpack
and the Azure Functions SDK
to run our web app, and API respectively, you can run both together once you have the pre-requirements installed by typing
npm install
npm run start
It's split into two parts.
- with a colour grid to paint onHarwareUI
some C++ code written for the Arduino compatible hardware we're using.
The hardware UI is made up of two things:
- An AdaFruit Feather Huzzah ESP8266
- A custom built wearable LED Matrix
The AdaFruit Feather Huzzah is a low power, cheap Arduino compatible System-on-chip.
You can run C and C++ code on out of the box.
It's a hobbiest chip, and you can write software for it using the Arduino IDE.
The Hardware UI runs on a custom built Wearable LED Matrix. It's got a resolution of 16x16 pixels.
It's built out of NeoPixel strips, cut up and soldiered into a display shape. NeoPixels
It's wired together in GLORIOUS SNAKE MODE.
Snake mode is what happens when you optimise for soldering 256 pixels the (moderately, slightly, a little bit more practical) easy way instead of the long boring way.
Our pixels have an odd numbering scheme - the Pixel IDs of the addressable pixels look like this:
015 014 013 012 011 010 009 008 007 006 005 004 003 002 001 000
016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031
047 046 045 044 043 042 041 040 039 038 037 036 035 034 033 032
Because of this somewhat unorthadox numbering scheme, the code running on our hardware translates regular, real people pixel Ids, into GLORIOUS SNAKE IDS transparently. This means that in our web app, we can address our pixels using the much more reasonable pixel Ids of
000 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015
016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031
We love snake mode 🐍, it makes soldiering easier. And snakes are awesome.
The Web UI is a HTML and JavaScript app that represents the individual pixels on our Wearable LED Matrix with squares on the screen.
There's a colour picker at the top for people to select their brushes, and a clickable array of squares to paint onto.
The LED matrix works better with certain colour pallets because painting in light is very different to painting with paint, the more colours we add, the closer we get to white!
So we picked some safe colours to let people paint with. The pixels themselves are lit using
values, but we're constraining our painting to colours we know look good on the hardware.
We're using the @snakemode/matrix-driver and Ably's JavaScript SDK in our WebUI
to send messages to our hardware when a Pixel is clicked.
The cool thing is, all the other users of our WebUI
are also subscribed to this messages, so their clients can update when other people paint cooperatively with them!
One of the cool features of Ably's pub/sub
support, is that they support the MQTT
We're using the Ably SDKs createTokenRequest
feature in our WebUI
to provide all the front-end clients valid authentication to connect to our stream
const ably = new Ably.Realtime.Promise({ authUrl: '/api/createTokenRequest' });
const channel = ably.channels.get(channelName, { params: { rewind: "2m" } } as any); // Includes history
await channel.attach();
This requires just a couple of lines of backend code on our Node.js
server and an Ably API key.
const client = new Ably.Realtime(config["ably-api-key"]);
app.get("/api/createTokenRequest", async (request, response) => {
const tokenRequestData = await client.auth.createTokenRequest({ clientId: 'interactive-lights-ui' });
From MQTT.org
MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M)/"Internet of Things" connectivity protocol. It was designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport. It is useful for connections with remote locations where a small code footprint is required and/or network bandwidth is at a premium.
So the cool thing about Ably supporting MQTT is that any messages we send in our browser or our Node.js
process using the JavaScript
SDK, are also sent out over the MQTT protocol automatically.
This means that we can use a lightweight MQTT library on our Feather Huzzah, and a simpler, more standard JavaScript / HTTP SDK in our browser.
MQTT is designed to be fast and responsive, so we can communicate between multiple devices and our clients with really low latency and low bandwidth requirements.
In this version of the interactive-lights, we're using the binary serializer
provided by the @snakemode/matrix-driver to send pixel data packed down into binary messages.
You can read about how we convert pixel data to MQTT messages here
We send messages for setting pixels, and clearing the screen.
The MQTT message exchanges follow the followng rules:
- When a
Pixel message
is received,HardwareUi
should update corresponding light. - When a
Pixel message
is received,WebUI
should update corresponding light. - When a
Clear message
is sent, theWebUI
should reset - When a
Clear message
is sent, theHardwareUI
should reset
Because we want everyone to be painting together, we want to keep all our UIs in sync.
To do this, we're using Ablys
"rewind" capability when we subscribe to our channel in the browser.
This retrieves the last two minutes of messages, which is a reasonable window to keep all the WebUIs
in sync.
We could expand this with a paid Ably account to support a longer window of time.
Subscribing to Pixel messages
Because everything is subscribed to the same Ably channel we can update all the WebUIs whenever a Pixel message
is seen.
We do this all in the JavaScript code in /app/js/PixelProtocolMessageHandler.ts
in our repo.
handle(message: Types.Message) {
const bytes = new Uint8Array(message.data);
const messageData = this._deserializer.deserialize(bytes);
switch (messageData.constructor.name) {
case "ControlMessage":
case "SetPixelsMessage":
const setPixelMessage = messageData as SetPixelsMessage;
setPixelMessage.pixelValues.forEach(p => { this._grid.setPixelColor(p, p.color as Rgb); });
default: break;
We're using the exact same Serializer that the matrix-driver uses to send messages to the hardware, to deserialize and process those messags in our browser.
The hardware uses the snakemode/matrix-driver Arduino code that provides a general purpose "remote display driver" for our JavaScript code.
The first version of this project used it's own Arduino implementation, but once we built the more general Arduino driver, we backported it so we don't need to maintain specific code for this project.
The matrix-driver sketch polls MQTT for PixelProtocol
messages - you can read about them here.
What this means, is we can send pixels data using our TypeScript SDK, and the hardware will update any connected and configured display.
You'll need to follow the instructions in the matrix-driver GitHub repo to deploy the hardware drive to a compatible Feather Huzzah
Update the WiFi credentials with your own
Add your own API key
Build the .ino sketch and push it over USB to your hardware.
You will need to make your own wearable LED matrix!