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Bubble Wrap simulator for the Global Game Jam 2025.

Using a phoenix server to communicate between a godot host (game logic and visuals) and a web client for mobile (controls)

How to install and run

  1. The game consists of:
  • The networking server, written in Elixir (+ Phoenix).
  • The main game shown on the main screen, written in Godot.
  • A HTML (+ a sprinkle of JS) web client, served by the Elixir/Phoenix app


First Run

Open the folder bubbleserver and in here run mix setup to compile the Elixir app for the first time. Then, run mix phx.server to run the Elixir server app. It will run on localhost:4000 by default.

Separately, open the folder game. This is a Godot project. To make Godot know where the Elixir app is running:

  • copy the file .env.example to .env (this .env file is intentionally not tracked by git)
    • To connect to the locally-running Elixir server, fill in ws://localhost:4000/socket
    • To connect to the remotely-running Elixir server, fill in wss:// (or e.g. wss:// (Note the wss:// with the extra s!)

Any other run

  • From the bubbleserver dir, run mix phx.server
  • From the game dir, start and run the Godot project.

When running Godot while the Elixir app is running, it will try to connect to the Elixir app. Check its logs for details.

How to (re)deploy

We're running an instance of the Elixir service on Installation guide for the fly CLI program:

(If you're not part of Snappy Cobra and would like to run a version of the program yourself on Fly, run fly launch from the bubbleserver subdirectory.)

  • To deploy, run fly deploy
  • To view the live logs, run fly logs

Running the Elixir app inside Docker

If you have trouble installing Elixir or some of the app's dependencies on your host OS (Some Windows installs have this), you can alternatively use Docker.

  1. Be sure Docker is installed and the Docker daemon is running
  2. Go to the bubbleserver directory
  3. Run docker build -t bubbleserver -f . to build a dev-version of the app image
    1. Run docker run -p 4000:4000 bubbleserver to start the app image. It should be reachable at localhost:4000 just like normal.
