fluent-plugin-out-kafka-rest, a plugin for Fluentd (WIP)
A fluentd output plugin for sending logs to Kafka REST Proxy. This plugin does not use the native library of Apache Kafka itself. Please refer to Confluent's kakfa-rest for the detail of REST Proxy service.
<match *>
type kafka_rest
endpoint_url http://localhost.local:8082/topics/topic
token authtoken
time_key log_time
time_key_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L %Z
remove_key_name_field true
# use_ssl false
# rate_limit_msec 0
When you use https instead of http, set "use_ssl" to true.
The following is an example.
<match *>
type kafka_rest
endpoint_url https://localhost.local:8082/topics/topic
token authtoken
use_ssl true
time_key log_time
time_key_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L %Z
remove_key_name_field true
# rate_limit_msec 0
For additional buffer configuration, refer https://docs.fluentd.org/configuration/buffer-section
- Change tests
- Avro support
- Set
to true to use https connection - By default, it does not verify the https server. Use VERIFY_PEER and place the cert.pem to the location specified by OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE.
- Majority of the code are cloned from fluent-plugin-out-https