Tinder for Dogs! - a fictional startup.
Created this website from scratch to master HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap4 concepts and how we can utilize them to develop responsive and engaging web applications!
Project is created with :
- CSS3
- Bootstrap v4.0
- Deployed using GitHub pages
To view this project simply navigate to - https://snigdha920.github.io/tinDog/
This app is based on the Bootstrap tutorial from Angela Yu at the App Brewery.
- To implement an organized design and coding process, carried out Wireframing using Balsamiq.
- To style components uniformly and elegantly, incorporated Twitter's Bootstrap v4.0 with HTML5 and CSS3.
- Integrated a variety of Bootstrap components - Navbars, Carousel, Cards and custom styled them using advanced CSS.
- To create a cross-platform responsive web application, utilised advanced CSS concepts integrated with Bootstrap features.