What's Changed
- NO-SNOW updated version by @sfc-gh-dshah in #686
- SNOW-1165817 SNOW-1165815 Update vulnerable dependencies by @sfc-gh-lsembera in #693
- SNOW-1230527 Disable linkage checker by @sfc-gh-lsembera in #717
- SNOW-1196967 SNOW-1196966 Update vulnerable dependencies by @sfc-gh-lsembera in #720
- SNOW-1255447: Fix leaked connection due to error response by @sfc-gh-tzhang in #719
- SNOW-1000828 Expose specific error messages as part of the channel invalidation exception by @sfc-gh-alhuang in #721
- SNOW-993600 External OAuth2.0 Support by @sfc-gh-alhuang in #718
- NO-SNOW Reduce OAuth test time by @sfc-gh-alhuang in #732
- SNOW-1258064 Remove/Relax the limitations in order to generate bigger files by @sfc-gh-alhuang in #730
- [Snyk] SNOW-1327598: Fix for 3 vulnerabilities by @sfc-gh-snowflakedb-snyk-sa in #734
- SNOW-1167007: Validate no null values for not null cols by @sfc-gh-wtrefon in #739
- [Snyk] Security upgrade org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk18on from 1.78 to 1.78.1 by @sfc-gh-snowflakedb-snyk-sa in #752
- SNOW-1361785 Run e2e jar tests with multiple Java versions by @sfc-gh-lsembera in #756
- No-SNOW Update fasterxml by @sfc-gh-xhuang in #740
- SNOW-1262359 Upgrade commons-configuration2 by @sfc-gh-lsembera in #761
- V2.1.1 Release by @sfc-gh-tzhang in #758