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[1.0.2] Release

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@sfc-gh-kdama sfc-gh-kdama released this 22 Jun 22:07
· 40 commits to main since this release

1.0.2 (2023-06-22)

Behavior Changes

  • Model Registry: Prohibit non-snowflake-native models from being logged.
  • Model Registry: _use_local_snowml parameter in options of deploy() has been removed.
  • Model Registry: A default False embed_local_ml_library parameter has been added to the options of log_model(). With this set to False (default), the version of the local snowflake-ml-python library will be recorded and used when deploying the model. With this set to True, local snowflake-ml-python library will be embedded into the logged model, and will be used when you load or deploy the model.

New Features

  • Model Registry: A new optional argument named code_paths has been added to the arguments of log_model() for users to specify additional code paths to be imported when loading and deploying the model.
  • Model Registry: A new optional argument named options has been added to the arguments of log_model() to specify any additional options when saving the model.
  • Model Development: Added metrics:
    • d2_absolute_error_score
    • d2_pinball_score
    • explained_variance_score
    • mean_absolute_error
    • mean_absolute_percentage_error
    • mean_squared_error

Bug Fixes

  • Model Development: accuracy_score() now works when given label column names are lists of a single value.