Version 0.11.0
New features:
Set Emitter's threads name for easier debugging (#280) (Thanks @AcidFlow!)
Allow Emitter to use a custom ExecutorService (#278) (Thanks @AcidFlow!)
Manually set the session_id (#265)
Specify the key for 'null or empty value detected' payload log (#277) (Thanks @b-ryan!)
Bug fixes:
Remove logging of user supplied values (#286)
Under the hood:
Update Deploy action to remove Bintray (#283)
Update all copyright notices (#279)
Remove Mockito and Wiremock dependencies (#275)
Update dependencies guava, wiremock, and httpclient (#269)
Update gradle GH Action to include Java 17 (#273)
Remove HttpHeaders dependency in OkHttpClientAdapter (#266)
Replace Vagrant with Docker (#267)