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Skyline algorithm. Used to draw histograms.
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soegaard committed Jun 20, 2024
1 parent 863fdc3 commit ed6a322
Showing 1 changed file with 154 additions and 0 deletions.
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions metapict/skyline.rkt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
#lang racket
(provide skyline

;; Original Source:

; The input is a list of building specifications.
; A building specification is a left position, height, and right position.
; The output is a skyline - a list of points that will be connected by interleaving horizontal and vertical lines.

(require data/heap)

(define (skyline input)
; <active-set>
(define A (make-heap (lift > cadr)))
(heap-add! A (list -inf.0 0 +inf.0))

; <visited-set>
(define V (make-hasheq))

; <init-D>
(define D '())

; <start>
(define ((start b) O)
(heap-add! A b)
(when (> (cadr b) O)
(set! D (cons (list (car b) (cadr b)) D))))

; <end>
(define ((end b) O)
(hash-set! V b 1)
(while (hash-ref V (heap-min A) #f)
(heap-remove-min! A))
(define N (cadr (heap-min A)))
(unless (= O N)
(set! D (cons (list (caddr b) N) D))))

; <events>
(define E (make-heap (lift < car)))
(for ([b (in-list input)])
(heap-add! E (cons (car b) (start b)))
(heap-add! E (cons (caddr b) (end b))))

; <run-events>
(for ([e (in-heap E)])
((cdr e) (cadr (heap-min A))))

; <return-D>
(reverse D))

(define (lift < f)
(λ (x y) (< (f x) (f y))))

(define-syntax-rule (while C B)
(let L () (when C B (L))))

;; (require rackunit racket/list)
;; ; <input>
;; (define in
;; '(( 1 11 5) ( 2 6 7)
;; ( 3 13 9) (12 7 16)
;; (14 3 25) (19 18 22)
;; (23 13 29) (24 4 28)))

;; ; <output>
;; (define out
;; '(( 1 11) ( 3 13) ( 9 0)
;; (12 7) (16 3) (19 18)
;; (22 3) (23 13) (29 0)))

;; ; <basic-test>
;; (check-equal? (skyline in) out)

;; ; <complex-test>
;; (for* ([i (in-range 10)]
;; [j (in-range 1 10)])
;; (check-equal?
;; (skyline (shuffle (append* (build-list j (λ (_) in)))))
;; out))

(define (skyline->lines key-points)
(let loop ([cur '(0 0)] ; current position
[ls '()] ; lists lines reprented as lists of (list point point)
[keys key-points]) ; list of remaining key points
[(null? keys)
(reverse ls)]
(define new (first keys))
(match-define (list x y) new)
(match-define (list xcur ycur) cur)
(loop new
(let ([corner (list x ycur)])
(list* (list corner new)
(list cur corner)
(cdr keys))])))

;; (require metapict)

;; (define (min* xs) (apply min xs))
;; (define (max* xs) (apply max xs))

;; (define (draw-skyline output)
;; (define xmin (min* (map first out)))
;; (define xmax (max* (map first out)))
;; (define ymax (max* (map second out)))
;; (define xpad 3)
;; (define ypad 1)

;; (define lines (skyline->lines key-points))

;; (with-window (window (- xmin xpad) (+ xmax xpad) (- ypad) (+ ymax ypad))
;; (draw (for/draw ([line lines])
;; (match-define (list (list x0 y0) (list x1 y1)) line)
;; (curve (pt x0 y0) -- (pt x1 y1)))
;; (curve (pt (- xmin xpad) 0) -- (pt (+ xmax xpad) 0)))))

;; (require "slices.rkt")

;; (define (extract-every xs n)
;; (append* (slices xs 1 2)))

;; (define (draw-histogram output)
;; (define xmin (min* (map first out)))
;; (define xmax (max* (map first out)))
;; (define ymax (max* (map second out)))
;; (define xpad 3)
;; (define ypad 1)

;; (define lines (skyline->lines key-points))

;; (with-window (window (- xmin xpad) (+ xmax xpad) (- ypad) (+ ymax ypad))
;; (define roofs (extract-every lines 2))
;; (define walls (extract-every (rest lines) 2))
;; (draw
;; (for/draw ([line roofs])
;; (match-define (list (list x0 y0) (list x1 y1)) line)
;; (curve (pt x0 y0) -- (pt x1 y1)))
;; (for/draw ([line walls])
;; (match-define (list (list x0 y0) (list x1 y1)) line)
;; (curve (pt x0 (max y0 y1)) -- (pt x0 0)))
;; (curve (pt (- xmin xpad) 0) -- (pt (+ xmax xpad) 0)))))

;; (draw-skyline out)

;; (draw-histogram out)

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