Futuremaker는 파이썬 pandas 로 쉽게 만들수 있는 암호화폐 트레이딩 봇입니다.
Futuremaker is a progressive cryptocurrency algorithm trading library based on Python.
라이선스 : MIT licensed.
pypi: latest version at pypi.
$ git clone https://github.com/songaal/futuremaker
$ pip install futuremaker
마진위주 (Margins)
# algo.py
from futuremaker.algo import Algo
class AlertGo(Algo):
def __init__(self):
super(AlertGo, self).__init__(symbol='BTCUSDT')
def update_candle(self, df, candle):
bot = AlertGo()
함께 개발하고 싶은 분은 [email protected] 으로 연락주세요.
If you've found a bug, let me know. If you would like to participate in the development together, please email [email protected] at any time.