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Adroit Manager Frontend

This repository contains the code for the Adroit Manager Frontend application, which allows monitoring and management of IoT devices.

Running on Next.js, this is a awesome project that adds a easy to use monitoring dashboard for the delivery team and other members of Adroit.

Created by

Team Member Student ID Role Links
Otis Wales 19078635 Team Leader GitHub | LinkedIn
Munish Kumar 19083476 Software engineer GitHub | LinkedIn
Miguel Emmara 18022146 Software engineer GitHub | LinkedIn
Glenn Neil 21132847 Software engineer GitHub | LinkedIn


Project Structure

The repository is structured as follows:

  • iot-frontend/: Contains the Next.js frontend application.
  • Documentation/: Contains the VitePress documentation for the project.

Getting Started

To get started with the Adroit Manager Frontend, follow these steps:

Live App Here:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the iot-frontend directory: cd iot-frontend
  3. Install the dependencies: pnpm install
  4. Configure the necessary environment variables (see iot-frontend/ for more details)
  5. Start the development server: pnpm dev
  6. Open the application in your browser at http://localhost:3000

For more detailed instructions and information about the frontend application, please refer to the file in the iot-frontend directory.


The documentation for the Adroit Manager Frontend is built using VitePress and can be found in the Documentation directory. To run the documentation locally, follow these steps:

Live Docs Here:

  1. Navigate to the Documentation directory: cd Documentation
  2. Install the dependencies: pnpm install
  3. Start the documentation server: pnpm docs:dev
  4. Open the documentation in your browser at http://localhost:3000

For more information about the documentation, please refer to the file in the Documentation directory.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.