A repository for all your recipes. Put all your saved recipes in one location and share them with family and friends.
This still a WIP and is mostly just for fun.
- Add and manage recipes using the Django Admin interface
- Import recipes automatically using recipe-scrapers
- Explore/Search recipes
- Scale and display recipes in the most appropriate units
- Convert between Metric and Imperial Units #TODO
A lot of other projects already exist that fulfill most needs.
I really hesitated about using one of them, but there were a few things I really wanted, mainly:
- Share any recipe without expiration dates
- Scaling units dynamically and switching to the most appropriate units
- Switching between metric and imperial on any recipe
- Multilingual recipes
I wasn't able to find one project that did all of that currently, but, really, mainly I just wanted to work on a project for fun, and if it can be useful to others all the better.
- Python (3.12+)
- Yarn + Node (v20+)
Copy example env file and make changes as required.
Notably, change the DJANGO_SECRET
cp example.env .env
- Install packages
- Start dev server
yarn dev
These examples all use hatch
but you can also create your on venv, install dependencies, and run ./manage.py directly
- Start Database. For example with docker:
docker compose up -d db
- Run migrations
hatch run ./manage.py migrate
- Create a superuser
hatch run ./manage.py createsuperuser
- Compile Translations
hatch run ./manage.py compilemessages
- Load default data
hatch run ./manage.py loaddata admin-theme hatch run ./manage.py loaddata units hatch run ./manage.py loaddata food # example food hatch run ./manage.py loaddata categories # basic example categories hatch run ./manage.py loaddata qualifiers hatch run ./manage.py loaddata yield-units
- Run server
hatch run ./manage.py runserver
hatch run test:cov
yarn test
pre-commit run --all-files
Should be running on: http://localhost:8000/
Settings can be configured via environment variables
Setting | Default | Note |
None Required |
Must be set to a secure random string |
False |
Enable Django debug mode (Don't use in production) |
False |
Log all DB queries for debugging purposes |
None |
Werkzeug PIN (can be set to off to diable. Only do this locally! ) |
False |
Use HTTPS in Django. Set to True when Django is behind HTTPS proxy |
"recipe_repo" |
Postgres Database Table Name |
"recipe_repo" |
Postgres Database User |
"insecure-change-this" |
Postgres Database Password - Set to something secure if using Postgres |
"db" |
Postgres Database Host |
False |
Enable Memcached |
None |
Memcached connection string. ex. "pymemcache://memcached:11211" |
False |
Enable LDAP Authentication |
"#482880" |
Primary theme colour |
"Recipe Repository" |
Main site title |
"Recipes" |
Short title for web app |
Build docker image:
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile