🌟 MERN Stack Developer | Full-Stack Developer
- 🤍 Committed to JS
- 🤍 Coding Enthusiast
- 🤍 MERN Stack Developer
- 🤍 Focused on continuous learning of tech stacks
- 🤍 Bachelor degree in CSE
- Programming Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript
- Front-End: React.js, Next.js, Redux toolkit, Tailwind CSS, React-query, Shadcn
- Back-End: Node.js, Express.js, RESTful APIs, JWT, Auth.js
- Database: MongoDB
- Tools: Git, GitHub, Postman, VS Code
- Additionals: GraphQL, Sanity.io, Appwrite
- 🔭 I’m currently working in Core Devs Ltd.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning DSA
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on MERN Stack Projects
- 💬 Ask me about JS, Next.js, MERN Stack
- ⚡ Fun fact: JS is little bit weird but adorable
- Portfolio: https://sourovbasu07.vercel.app/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sourovbasu07/
- Twitter: https://www.x.com/learn_react_07/
- Email: [email protected]
Feel free to reach out for collaboration, discussion, or just to say hi!
I'm always excited to connect with fellow developers and learn from the coding community.