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All the assignments I did at HUFLIT in Machine Learning

Machine Learning Practice at HUFLIT

In section 6 at my university 🇻🇳, I was learned Machine Learning 🤖. So here, I gonna show for you my doc. Hope you guys can refer that 🙆🏻

👇 Tree file:

- 🌱 [root] 
   - 📂 __Lab1 + Lab2__
     - 📄 [ Lab2.ipynb]
     - 📄 [Lab1.ipynb]
     - 📂 __mobile\_price\_dataset__
       - 📄 [test.csv]
       - 📄 [train.csv]
   - 📂 __Lab3\_DeepLearning__
     - 📄 [Lab3.ipynb]
     - 📂 __log__
       - 📄 [Brain\_tumor\_2\_log.json]
       - 📄 [Brain\_tumor\_log.json]
   - 📄 [Fullsrc.pdf]
   - 📄 [HMM\-Demo.ipynb]
   - 📄 [keras\-digits\-MLP.ipynb]
   - 📄 [live\-ex\-1.ipynb]
   - 📄 [mini\-test]

In my case have 2 Lab exercise are Lab1+Lab2, Lab3 and some mini task

  1. Lab1+Lab2: My analyze about Mobile Price Dataset.
  2. Lab3: My DeepLearning model to solve Brain Tumor Dataset.
  3. Mini tasks
  4. Fullsrc.pdf: Is my course summary report.

💭 💭 💭 💭 💭 💭 💭 💭 💭 💭 💭 💭

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