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CMake on multiple platforms Documentation Status

STASIS consolidates the steps required to build, test, and deploy calibration pipelines and other software suites maintained by engineers at the Space Telescope Science Institute.


  • Linux, or MacOS (Darwin)
  • cmake
  • libcurl
  • libxml2
  • rsync


Download the source code

git clone
cd stasis

Create and enter the build directory

mkdir build
cd build

Run cmake

cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$HOME/programs/stasis"

Compile and install stasis

make install
export PATH="$HOME/programs/stasis/bin:$PATH"


Step 1: Create a mission

Missions definitions live in STASIS's etc/mission directory. Let's create a new one specifically geared toward generic data analysis tools. You may override the path to the etc directory by setting the STASIS_SYSCONFDIR environment variable to different location.

mkdir $HOME/programs/stasis/etc/missions/mymission
touch $HOME/programs/stasis/etc/missions/mymission/mymission.ini

Now populate the new data analysis mission configuration. Refer to the release formatters section to see a list of what each % formatter does.

release_fmt = %n-%v-%r-py%p-%o-%a
; e.g. mydelivery-1.2.3-1-py312-linux-x86_64

build_name_fmt = %n-%v
; e.g. mydelivery-1.2.3

build_number_fmt = %v.%r
; e.g.

Text files containing STASIS template strings can be stored at the same level as the mission configuration, and rendered to anywhere inside the output directory. This will can you time if you plan to release for multiple platforms and architectures.

destination = {{ storage.delivery_dir }}/README-{{ info.release_name }}.md
; e.g [..]/output/delivery/

destination = {{ storage.build_docker_dir }}/Dockerfile
; e.g [..]/build/docker/Dockerfile

Step 2: Create a delivery configuration

STASIS's configuration parser does not distinguish input files by extension, so mydelivery.ini, mydelivery.cfg, mydelivery.txt, and abc123.zyx987 are all perfectly valid file names.

All deliveries require a [meta] section. Here global metadata such as the delivery's name, version, and any programs/dependencies that make up the deliverable.

mission = mymission
name = mydelivery
version = 2024.3.1
rc = 1
python = 3.12

The [conda] section instructs STASIS how to obtain the conda installer of your choice, and defines the packages to be installed into the delivery's release environment.

; e.g. Download Miniforge3-23.11.0-0 for the current system platform and architecture
installer_name = Miniforge3
installer_version = 23.11.0-0
installer_platform = {{env:STASIS_CONDA_PLATFORM}}
installer_arch = {{env:STASIS_CONDA_ARCH}}
installer_baseurl ={{conda.installer_version}}

conda_packages =
pip_packages =

Create some test cases for packages.

version = 1.2.3
repository =
script_setup =
    pip install -e '.[test]'
script =
    pytest -fEsx \
        --basetemp="{{ func:basetemp_dir() }}" \
        --junitxml="{{ func:junitxml_file() }}" \

version = 4.5.6
repository =
script_setup =
    pip install -e '.[test]'
script =
    pytest -fEsx \
        --basetemp="{{ func:basetemp_dir() }}" \
        --junitxml="{{ func:junitxml_file() }}" \

Step 3: Run STASIS

stasis mydelivery.ini


Command Line Options

Long Option Short Option Purpose
--help -h Display usage statement
--version -V Display program version
--continue-on-error -C Allow tests to fail
--config ARG -c ARG Read STASIS configuration file
--cpu-limit ARG -l ARG Number of processes to spawn concurrently (default: cpus - 1)
--python ARG -p ARG Override version of Python in configuration
--verbose -v Increase output verbosity
--unbuffered -U Disable line buffering
--update-base n/a Update conda installation prior to STATIS environment creation
--parallel-fail-fast n/a On test error, terminate all concurrent tasks
--overwrite n/a Overwrite an existing release
--no-docker n/a Do not build docker images
--no-artifactory n/a Do not upload artifacts to Artifactory
--no-testing n/a Do not execute test scripts
--no-rewrite n/a Do not rewrite paths and URLs in output files
DELIVERY_FILE n/a STASIS delivery file

Environment variables

Name Purpose
TMPDIR Change default path to store temporary data
STASIS_ROOT Change default path to write STASIS's data
STASIS_SYSCONFDIR Change default path to search for configuration files
STASIS_CPU_COUNT Number of available CPUs
(Scope: "Contents" repository permissions (write))
STASIS_JF_ARTIFACTORY_URL Artifactory service URL (ending in /artifactory)
STASIS_JF_ACCESS_TOKEN Artifactory Access Token
STASIS_JF_USER Artifactory username
STASIS_JF_PASSWORD Artifactory password
STASIS_JF_SSH_KEY_PATH Path to SSH public key file
STASIS_JF_SSH_PASSPHRASE Password associated with SSH public key file
STASIS_JF_CLIENT_CERT_KEY_PATH OpenSSL key file (in cert path)
STASIS_JF_REPO Artifactory "generic" repository to write to

Main configuration (stasis.ini)

The default path to the configuration file is [CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX]/etc/stasis/stasis.ini. You may override this by setting the STASIS_SYSCONFDIR environment variable to a path that points elsewhere.



Name Type Purpose
continue_on_error Boolean Keep going even if a test fails
always_update_base_environment Boolean Update all packages in the base to the latest release
conda_fresh_start Boolean Remove conda installation during initialization
conda_install_prefix String Install conda in a custom prefix path
conda_packages List Conda packages to be installed/overridden in the base environment
pip_packages List Python packages to be installed/overridden in the base environment
conda_staging_url String URL to conda channel


Name Type Purpose
url String Base URL of JFrog CLI release server
project String Product identifier (i.e. jfrog-cli)
version_series String Product version series (i.e. v2-jf)
version String Product version to install. [RELEASE] downloads the latest version.
filename String Product file name (i.e. jf)


Name Type Purpose
url String Set artifactory service URL (ending in /artifactory)
repo String Set artifactory repository

Delivery configuration


All configuration section names and keys are case-sensitive.


Key Type Purpose Required
mission String Mission rule directory to use Y
name String Name of the delivery Y
version String Version of delivery Y
codename String Release code name (HST-only) N
rc Integer Release candidate level (i.e. delivery iteration) Y
final Boolean Toggle final delivery logic (possibly deprecated in the future) N
based_on String A conda environment YAML file/URL to use as a baseline N
python String Version of Python to base delivery on Y


Key Type Purpose Required
installer_name String Conda distribution name Y
installer_version String Conda distribution version Y
installer_platform String Conda target platform Y
installer_arch String Conda target architecture Y
installer_baseurl String Conda installer URL Y
conda_packages List Conda packages to install N
pip_packages List Pypi packages to install N


Environment variables exported are global to all programs executed by stasis. There is no limit to the number of environment variables that can be set.

Key Type Purpose Required
arbitrary name String Export environment variables to build and test environment N
artitrary_name ... N - - -


Sections starting with test: will be used during the testing phase of the stasis pipeline. Where the value of name following the colon is an arbitrary value, and only used for reporting which test-run is executing. Section names must be unique.

Key Type Purpose Required
disable Boolean Disable script execution (script_setup always executes) N
parallel Boolean Execute test block in parallel (default) or sequentially N
build_recipe String Git repository path to package's conda recipe N
repository String Git repository path or URL to clone Y
version String Git commit or tag to check out Y
runtime List Export environment variables specific to test context Y
script_setup List Body of a shell script that will install dependencies N
script List Body of a shell script that will execute the tests Y


Sections starting with deploy:artifactory: will define the upload behavior of build and test artifacts to Artifactory. Where the value of name is an arbitrary value, and only used for reporting. Section names must be unique.

Key Type Purpose Required
files List jf-compatible wildcard path Y
dest String Remote artifactory path to store files Y


The deploy:docker section controls how Docker images are created, when a Dockerfile is present in the build_docker_dir.

Key Type Purpose Required
registry String Docker registry to use Y
image_compression String Compression program (with arguments) N
build_args List Values passed to docker build --build-args N
tags List Docker image tag(s) Y

Variable expansion

Template strings

Template strings can be accessed using the {{ subject.key }} notation in any STASIS configuration file.

Name Purpose Delivery name
meta.version Delivery version
meta.codename Delivery codename
meta.mission Delivery mission
meta.python Python version (e.g. 3.11)
meta.python_compact Python (e.g. 311)
info.time_str_epoch UNIX Epoch timestamp
info.release_name Rendered delivery release name
info.build_name Rendered delivery build name
info.build_number Rendered delivery build number
storage.tmpdir Ohymcal temp directory
storage.delivery_dir STASIS delivery output directory
storage.results_dir STASIS test results directory
storage.conda_artifact_dir STASIS conda package directory
storage.wheel_artifact_dir STASIS wheel package directory
storage.build_sources_dir STASIS sources directory
storage.build_docker_dir STASIS docker directory
conda.installer_name Conda distribution name
conda.installer_version Conda distribution version
conda.installer_platform Conda target platform
conda.installer_arch Conda target architecture
conda.installer_baseurl Conda installer URL
system.arch System CPU Architecture
system.platform System Platform (OS)
deploy.docker.registry Docker registry
deploy.jfrog.repo Artifactory destination repository
workaround.conda_reactivate Reinitialize the conda runtime environment.
Use this after calling conda install from within a [test:*].script.

The template engine also provides an interface to environment variables using the {{ env:VARIABLE_NAME }} notation.

python = {{ env:MY_DYNAMIC_PYTHON_VERSION }}

Template Functions

Template functions can be accessed using the {{ func:NAME(ARG,...) }} notation.

Name Purpose
get_github_release_notes_auto Generate release notes for all test contexts
basetemp_dir Generate directory path to test block's temporary data directory
junitxml_file Generate directory path and file name for test result file

Mission files

Mission rules are defined in the STASIS_SYCONFDIR/mission directory. Each mission configuration file shares the same name as the directory. To create a new mission, example, the directory structure will be as follows:




Key Type Purpose Required
release_fmt String A string containing one or more release format specifiers Y
build_name_fmt String - Y
build_number_fmt String - Y

Release formatters

Formatter Purpose
%n Delivery name
%c Delivery codename
%r Delivery RC level
%R Delivery RC level (final-aware)
%v Delivery version
%m Mission name
%P Python version (i.e. 3.11)
%p Compact Python version (i.e. 311
%a System CPU Architecture
%o System Platform (OS)
%t UNIX Epoch timestamp


Sections starting with template: will make use of the built-in template engine, replacing any strings in filename, relative to the mission directory, with expanded data values. The output will be written to destination.

# example.ini
destination = {{ storage.delivery_dir }}/


A pipeline delivery generator







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