Generate SPASE website (
- Clone this repo.
- Change to the cloned repo directory.
- Install Grunt
npm install grunt --save
Install dependencies
npm install --save
- Generate the pages
grunt -v
This will create a "docs" folder which contains the full web site with generated web pages and pre-generated content.
The files in "site/config" are used to create a revision history, lists of releases, specify the current release and if there is a draft release of the information models. The content of the files are in JSON format. The files are:
baseModelHistory.json: History records for the revision of the Base Model.
baseModelVersions.json: Releases, current release and draft version information for the Base Model.
simulationExtHistory.json: History records for the revision of the Simulation Extensions.
simulationExtVersions.json: Releases, current release and draft version information for the Simulation Extensions.
The format for the history JSON data is:
"ID": "1",
"Version": "m.n.o",
"Updated": "yyyy-mm-dd",
"ChangedBy": "Your Name",
"Description": "What was changed or revised.",
"Note": ""
The format for the version JSON data is:
"release": [
{"version": "m.n.o", "released": "yyyy-mm-dd" },
"current": {"version": "m.n.o", "released": "yyyy-mm-dd" },
"draft": ""
These files are supplied to the "assemble" task and can be referenced in Handlebars files by the base name of the file.
Generate the documentation for the release Information Model using the appropriate tools. Then...
- Place the model HTML pages in 'site/pages/data/model' (or 'simulation' for Simulation Extensions)
- Place the model PDF pages in 'site/pages/data/model' (or 'simulation' for Simulation Extensions)
- Place the XML schema in and 'site/pages/data/schema' (this is the standard location for all schema)
- Update the baseModelHistory.json file to document revisions.
- Update the baseModelVersions.json file.
- Regenerate the website with
grunt -v
Note: The default source folder is 'site' and the default destination folder is 'docs'.
default: Run 'copy', 'assemble', 'sitemap_xml'.
copy: Copy all non-Handlebars files (.hbs) from the source folder to the destination folder.
copy:assets: Copy all non-Handlebars files (.hbs) from the source 'assets' folder to the destination folder.
copy:docs: Copy all non-Handlebars files (.hbs) from the source 'docs' folder to the destination folder.
copy:pregen: Copy all non-Handlebars files (.hbs) from the source folder to the destination folder, excluding the content of the 'assets' and 'docs' folders.
assemble: Process all Handlebar files (.hbs) in the source folder and write to destination folder.
sitemap_xml: Generate a sitemap in XML format and write in destination folder.
clean: Remove any previously-created files from the destination folder.
When working on updates to the Handlebars page contents you can regenerate just those pages with the command:
grunt assemble