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milsymbol 1.0.0

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@spatialillusions spatialillusions released this 03 Mar 16:46
· 721 commits to master since this release

1.0.0 03 MAR 2017

  • Milsymbol is now split into several modules and built with webpack, this makes the code easier to maintain.

  • Avoid getting and setting properties directly, use methods for this when they are available, in the future properties might change names.


  • colorMode property can now be set to a string representing the name of a registered color mode.

  • symbol.getSize() returns an object with the width and height of the symbol.

  • symbol.getAnchor() returns an object with the x and y offset of the symbol.

  • symbol.getOctagonAnchor() returns an object with the x and y offset of the octagon center.

  • bbox.merge(another-bbox), use this instead of MS.bboxMax for merging bounding boxes.

  • Milsymbol can now be used as a AMD/CommonJS/etc... module, by requiering milsymbol, the global var is called ms.

  • ms.getVersion() that returns the version as a string.

  • ms.addSIDCicons(sidcFunction, type) for adding sidc functions.

  • ms.addLabelOverrides(labelFunction, type) for adding label functions.

  • ms.addSymbolPart(part) should be used instead of MS.addMarkerParts(part)

  • ms.getSymbolParts() should be used instead of MS.getMarkerParts()

  • ms.setSymbolParts(parts) should be used instead of MS.setMarkerParts(parts)

  • ms.BBox() should be used instead of MS.bbox(). (Since it is a class...)

  • ms.ColorMode() should be used instead of MS.colorMode(). (Since it is a class...)

  • ms.Symbol() should be used instead of MS.symbol(). (Since it is a class...)

  • Tactical points is now part of /dist/milsymbol.js, no need to include any extra files.

  • Tactical points now supports APP6-B ANNEX E.

  • Symbols with an invalid icon in the SIDC will now be rendered with an upside down ?. (According to MIL-STD-2525D)


  • Global variable is now ms instead of MS.

  • Feint/Dummy indicator drawn as specified in MIL-STD-2525D change 1.


  • Avoid setting properties directly, use setOptions(options) instead.

  • Do not use .XML anymore, use asSVG() instead, if needed set ms.autoSVG = true. ms.autoSVG will be removed in a future version.

  • getMarker(), it's not needed anymore, symbols are automatically updated when options are updated using setOptions().

  • MS.bboxMax(), use bbox.merge() instead.

  • MS.addLetterSIDCicons(), use ms.addSIDCicons() instead.

  • MS.addNumberSIDCicons(), use ms.addSIDCicons() instead.

  • MS.addLetterLabelOverrides(), use ms.addLabelOverrides() instead.

  • MS.addNumberLabelOverrides(), use ms.addLabelOverrides() instead.

  • MS.buildingBlock() return an object instead.

  • MS.addMarkerParts(part) use ms.addSymbolPart(part) instead.

  • MS.getMarkerParts() use ms.getSymbolParts() instead.

  • MS.setMarkerParts(parts) use ms.setSymbolParts(parts) instead.

  • MS.bbox() use ms.BBox() instead. (Since it is a class...)

  • MS.colorMode() use ms.ColorMode() instead. (Since it is a class...)

  • MS.symbol() use ms.Symbol instead. (Since it is a class...)


  • MS.rotate() has been removed, use json drawInstruction instead.

  • MS.scale() has been removed, use json drawInstruction instead.

  • MS.translate() has been removed, use json drawInstruction instead.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented specialHeadquarters to be drawn on Canvas output.
