milsymbol 1.1.0
1.1.0 16 APR 2017
I would like to thank @okwolf that has contributed with unit tests and some code reorganization.
It is now possible to use
in an options object. -
It is now possible to initiate a symbol with just an options object
. -
ms.Symbol().isValid() now returns a boolean representing if it was possible to find the symbol icon for the provided SIDC.
The source code for the unit generator is now provided in the dev folder.
Added 2525B symbols that are missing in 2525C, so now we have full support for 2525B as well.
Initial unit tests added to the repository.
Fix for that tactical points with labels with large font sizes might draw too narrow so that part of the label can't be seen.
Fix for that units with invalid icon part in the SIDC did not get the upside down question mark when canvas output was used.
G-F-PTS--- TACGRP.FSUPP.PNT.TGT.PTGT and G-C-FSTP-- 2.X. POINT/SINGLE TARGET now uses altitudeDepth instead of additionalInformation1 to display the target altitude.
Made sure that tactical points that dosen't have labels in the specifications don't get labels even if they are set.