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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Geode-solutions is a software company building the next generation of meshing tools for advanced modeling. To that point, we develop OpenGeode: an open source framework for representing and manipulating geometric models.
Support HolyCityAudio's open source work. The SpinCAD Designer application brings creation of algorithms for the Spin FV-1 DSP effects chip within reach for non-programmers and is used by DIY'ers and commercial companies alike.
jsDelivr is one of the biggest free CDNs out there. We help developers serve more than 240 billion requests per month totaling more than 11 Petabytes of monthly traffic.
Hi, my name is Rick! I create Minecraft mods for Fabric/Forge/Neo on CurseForge and Modrinth as Serilum. I also manages a few other random pieces of software.
Tools for building all types of code walkthroughs: blog posts, tutorials, quickstarts, slides, videos, workshops, docs, and so on.
Developer of ebusd since 2014 for getting insights to and better control of heating systems
Senior developer with 20+ years experience. WordPress Core Committer, FOSS contributor.
UseTheSource hosts the Rascal metaprogramming language, and its front-ends for Java and C/C++ analysis and transformation and more reusable libraries. These OSS projects are applied in industry, education & research for DSLs and reverse engineering.
JRuby needs you! Help sponsor development, services, and tools to help keep JRuby the best and most widely deployed alternative Ruby implementation in the world.
Naas is an all-in-one open source platform democratizing data science with templates.
Support VincentH-Net's open source work on C# Markup 2 to bring a Flutter-like UI development experience to the main .NET UI frameworks
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