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Name Version
terraform >= 0.15
azurerm 3.3.0


Name Version
azurerm 3.3.0


No modules.


Name Type
azurerm_app_service.main resource
azurerm_app_service_plan.main resource
azurerm_app_service_slot.main resource
azurerm_client_config.current data source
azurerm_resource_group.rg data source


Name Description Type Default Required
app_service_always_on Should the app be loaded at all times? Defaults to false. bool false no
app_service_app_command_line App command line to launch string "" no
app_service_ftps_state State of FTP / FTPS service for this App Service. Possible values include: AllAllowed, FtpsOnly and Disabled. string "FtpsOnly" no
app_service_http2_enabled Is HTTP2 Enabled on this App Service? Defaults to false. bool false no
app_service_https_only Can the App Service only be accessed via HTTPS? Defaults to false. bool false no
app_service_linux_fx_version Linux App Framework and version for the App Service. string n/a yes
app_service_min_tls_version The minimum supported TLS version for the app service. Possible values are 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. Defaults to 1.2 for new app services. string "1.2" no
app_service_name Name of APP string n/a yes
app_service_plan_kind The kind of the App Service Plan to create. Possible values are Windows (also available as App), Linux, elastic (for Premium Consumption) and FunctionApp (for a Consumption Plan). Defaults to Windows. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string "Linux" no
app_service_plan_name Specifies the name of the App Service Plan component. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string n/a yes
app_service_plan_reserved Is this App Service Plan Reserved. Defaults to false. bool true no
app_service_plan_size Size specifier of the resource SKU. Available sizes are F1(Free), D1(Shared), B1(Basic Small), B2(Basic Medium), B3(Basic Large), S1(Standard Small), P1V2(Premium V2 Small), P1V3(Premium V3 Small), P2V3(Premium V3 Medium), P3V3(Premium V3 Large), PC2 (Premium Container Small), PC3 (Premium Container Medium), PC4 (Premium Container Large), I1 (Isolated Small), I2 (Isolated Medium), I3 (Isolated Large), I1v2 (Isolated V2 Small), I2v2 (Isolated V2 Medium), I3v2 (Isolated V2 Large). Valid accepted values are: B1, B2, B3, D1, F1, FREE, I1, I1v2, I2, I2v2, I3, I3v2, P1V2, P1V3, P2V2, P2V3, P3V2, P3V3, PC2, PC3, PC4, S1, S2, S3, SHARED string "S1" no
app_service_plan_tier Specifies the plan's pricing tier. Valid option are Free, Shared, Basic, Standard, PremiumV2 and Isolated. string "Basic" no
app_service_settings A key-value pair of App Settings map {} no
app_service_use_32_bit_worker_process Should the App Service run in 32 bit mode, rather than 64 bit mode? bool false no
app_service_websockets_enabled Should WebSockets be enabled? bool false no
app_settings A key-value pair of App Settings. map {} no
application_logs_file_system_level Log level for filesystem based logging. Supported values are Error, Information, Verbose, Warning and Off. Defaults to Off. string "Off" no
connection_strings Collection of connection string objects to create with App Service.
name = string
type = string
value = string
[] no
default_tags A mapping of tags to assign to the resource. map n/a yes
environment Var used for backend container name key string "dev" no
ip_restrictions A list of IP addresses allowed to access the App Service.
name = string
cidr_ip = string
[] no
is_blue_green_deployment_enabled Whether this app service uses a deployment slot to promote blue-green deployments. bool false no
region Region in which resources are deployed string "weu" no
resource_group_location The location/region where resource is created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string "West Europe" no
resource_group_name The name of the resource group in which to create resource. string n/a yes


Name Description
custom_domain_verification_id An identifier used by App Service to perform domain ownership verification via DNS TXT record.
default_site_hostname_app_service The Default Hostname associated with the App Service.
default_site_hostname_pp_service_slot The Default Hostname associated with the App Service Slot.
id_app_service The ID of the App Service.
id_app_service_plan The ID of the App Service Plan component.
id_app_service_slot The ID of the App Service Slot
maximum_number_of_workers The maximum number of workers supported with the App Service Plan's sku.
outbound_ip_address_list A list of outbound IP addresses.