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spyrchat authored Jan 13, 2024
1 parent 2d1017b commit 5e13e79
Showing 1 changed file with 26 additions and 44 deletions.
70 changes: 26 additions & 44 deletions
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@@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
Design of a Hyperdimensional Computing Circuit for Bio-signal Classification via Nelder-Mead optimization
and LS-SVM Training.
Computer-Aided IC Design (B-KUL-H05D7A)
ir. Ali Safa, ir. Sergio Massaioli, Prof. Georges Gielen (MICAS-IMEC-KU Leuven)
(Author: A. Safa)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
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#Replace the path "WISCONSIN/data.csv" with wathever path you have. Note, on Windows, you must put the "r" in r'C:etc..'
dataset_path = 'WISCONSIN/data.csv'
dataset_path = r'WISCONSIN/data.csv'
imgsize_vector = 30 #Each input vector has 30 features
n_class = 2
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D_HDC = 100 #HDC hypervector dimension
portion = 0.6 #We choose 60%-40% split between train and test sets
Nbr_of_trials = 1 #Test accuracy averaged over Nbr_of_trials runs
N_tradeof_points = 40 #Number of tradeoff points - use 100
N_tradeof_points = 100 #Number of tradeoff points - use 100
N_fine = int(N_tradeof_points*0.4) #Number of tradeoff points in the "fine-grain" region - use 30
#Initialize the sparsity-accuracy hyperparameter search
lambda_fine = np.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, N_tradeof_points-N_fine)
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HDC_cont_all = np.zeros((X.shape[0], D_HDC)) #Will contain all "bundled" HDC vectors
bias_ = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi,size=(X.shape[0],D_HDC)) #generate the random biases once

print("grayscale size", np.shape(grayscale_table))
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
if i%100 == 0:
print(str(i) + "/" + str(X.shape[0]))
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print("Loading simplex")
Simplex = np.load("Simplex2.npz", allow_pickle = True)['data']

#Compute the cost F(x) associated to each point in the Initial Simplex
F_of_x = []
Accs = []
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print("Acc =",Accs)
print("Sparsity =",Sparsities)

#Transform lists to numpy array:
F_of_x = np.array(F_of_x)
Accs = np.array(Accs)
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# For the details about the Nelder-Mead step, please refer to the course notes / reference, we are simply implementing that
for iter_ in range(NM_iter):

# print("lambda 2", lambda_2)
if np.std(F_of_x) < STD_EPS and 100 < iter_:
break #Early-stopping criteria

#1) sort Accs, Sparsities, F_of_x, Simplex, add best objective to array "objective_"
sorted_indices = np.argsort(F_of_x) #sort cost functions from smallest to largest

sorted_indices = np.argsort(F_of_x)
F_of_x = F_of_x[sorted_indices]
Accs = Accs[sorted_indices]
Sparsities = Sparsities[sorted_indices]
Simplex = Simplex[sorted_indices, :]

best_objective_value = F_of_x[0] #lowest cost
best_objective_value = F_of_x[0]

#2) average simplex x_0

x_0 = np.mean(Simplex[:-1, :], axis=0)

#3) Reflexion x_r

x_r = x_0 + alpha_simp * (x_0 - Simplex[-1,:])

#Evaluate cost of reflected point x_r

#Evaluate cost of reflected point x_r
F_curr, acc_curr, sparse_curr = evaluate_F_of_x(Nbr_of_trials, HDC_cont_all, LABELS, x_r[2], bias_, x_r[0], x_r[1], n_class, N_train, D_b, lambda_1, lambda_2, B_cnt)
F_curr = 1 - np.mean(F_curr)
if F_curr >= best_objective_value and F_curr < F_of_x[-2]:
if F_of_x[0] <= F_curr < F_of_x[-2]:
F_of_x[-1] = F_curr
Simplex[-1,:] = x_r
Accs[-1] = acc_curr
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rest = True

if rest == True:
#4) Expansion x_e
#4) Expansion x_e
if F_curr < best_objective_value:
x_e = x_0 + gamma_simp*(x_r - x_0)
F_exp, acc_exp, sparse_exp = evaluate_F_of_x(Nbr_of_trials, HDC_cont_all, LABELS, x_e[2], bias_, x_e[0], x_e[1], n_class, N_train, D_b, lambda_1, lambda_2, B_cnt)
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Sparsities[-1] = sparse_curr

#5) Contraction x_c
#4) Contraction x_c
flag = False
if F_curr < F_of_x[-1]:
x_c = x_0 + rho_simp * (x_r - x_0)
F_c, acc_c, sparse_c = evaluate_F_of_x(Nbr_of_trials, HDC_cont_all, LABELS, x_c[2], bias_, x_c[0], x_c[1], n_class, N_train, D_b, lambda_1, lambda_2, B_cnt)
if F_c < F_curr:
flag = True
elif F_curr >= F_of_x[-1]:
x_c = x_0 + rho_simp * (F_of_x[-1] - x_0)
F_c, acc_c, sparse_c = evaluate_F_of_x(Nbr_of_trials, HDC_cont_all, LABELS, x_c[2], bias_, x_c[0], x_c[1], n_class, N_train, D_b, lambda_1, lambda_2, B_cnt)
if F_c < F_of_x[-1]:
flag = True

#Evaluate cost of contracted point x_e

#Evaluate cost of contracted point x_e

if flag:
F_of_x[-1] = F_c #replace worst point with contracted point
F_of_x[-1] = F_c
Simplex[-1,:] = x_c
Accs[-1] = acc_c
Sparsities[-1] = sparse_c
#6) Shrinking
#4) Shrinking
for rep in range(1, Simplex.shape[0]):
#Replace all points except the best (Simplex[0])
Simplex[rep,:] = Simplex[0,:] + sigma_simp * (Simplex[rep,:] - Simplex[0,:])
Simplex[rep,:] = Simplex[1,:] + sigma_simp * (Simplex[rep,:] - Simplex[1,:])
F_shrink, acc_shrink, sparse_shrink = evaluate_F_of_x(Nbr_of_trials, HDC_cont_all, LABELS, Simplex[rep,2], bias_, Simplex[rep,0], Simplex[rep,1], n_class, N_train, D_b, lambda_1, lambda_2, B_cnt)

F_of_x[rep] = 1 - np.mean(F_shrink)
Accs[rep] = np.mean(acc_shrink)
Sparsities[rep] = np.mean(sparse_shrink)

Sparsities[rep] = np.mean(sparse_shrink)

#At the end of the Nelder-Mead search and training, save Accuracy and Sparsity of the best cost F(x) into the ACCS and SPARSES arrays
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from sklearn.svm import SVR
y = np.array(ACCS_)
X = np.array(SPARSES_).reshape(-1, 1)
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X_pred = np.linspace(np.min(SPARSES_), np.max(SPARSES_), 100).reshape(-1, 1)
Y_pred = regr.predict(X_pred)
plt.plot(X_pred, Y_pred, '--')
#Plot the evolution of the Nelder-Mead objective and the standard deviation of the simplex for the last run
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plt.plot(STD_, '.-')
plt.title("Standard deviation")
plt.plot(lambda_sp, ACCS)
plt.plot(lambda_sp, SPARSES)

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