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solved quantization and found issues with generate lookup table and w…
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…rong dimensions for position table and grayscale table
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jitskevanpeer committed Dec 12, 2023
1 parent e35ecba commit fc71471
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Showing 5 changed files with 130 additions and 70 deletions.
50 changes: 23 additions & 27 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def compute_accuracy(HDC_cont_test, Y_test, centroids, biases):

if class_idx == Y_test[i]:
Acc += 1
return Acc/Y_test.shape[0]

Expand All @@ -39,18 +39,19 @@ def compute_accuracy(HDC_cont_test, Y_test, centroids, biases):
# when mode == 1, all the probability of having +1 scales with an input "key" i.e., when the inputs to the HDC encoded are coded
# on e.g., 8-bit, we have 256 possible keys
def lookup_generate(dim, n_keys, mode = 1):
table = np.empty((0, dim))
if mode == 0:
for i in range(n_keys - 1):
row = np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(dim), p=[0.5, 0.5])
table = np.vstack((table, row))
table = np.zeros((n_keys, dim))
prob_array = [0] * n_keys
if mode == 0:
table = np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(n_keys,dim), p=[0.5, 0.5])
#table = np.vstack((table, row))
for i in range(n_keys - 1):
probability = i / (n_keys)
for i in range(n_keys):
probability = i / (n_keys-1)
row = np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(dim), p=[1-probability, probability])
table = np.vstack((table, row))
np.vstack((table, row))
prob_array[i] = probability

return table.astype(np.int8)
return table.astype(np.int8),prob_array

# dim is the HDC dimensionality D
def encode_HDC_RFF(img, position_table, grayscale_table, dim):
Expand All @@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ def encode_HDC_RFF(img, position_table, grayscale_table, dim):
container[pixel, :] = hv*1

img_hv = np.sum(container, axis = 0) #bundling without the cyclic step yet
return img_hv
return img_hv, container

# Train the HDC circuit on the training set : (Y_train, HDC_cont_train)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,28 +103,23 @@ def train_HDC_RFF(n_class, N_train, Y_train_init, HDC_cont_train, gamma, D_b):
L[1:N_train+1] = np.ones(N_train)

#Solve the system of equations to get the vector alpha:
alpha = np.zeros(N_train)
alpha = np.zeros(N_train+1)
alpha = np.linalg.solve(Beta,L) #alpha here is the whole v vector from the slides

# Get HDC prototype for class cla, still in floating point
final_HDC_centroid = np.zeros(np.shape(HDC_cont_train[0]))
final_HDC_centroid_q = np.zeros(np.shape(HDC_cont_train[0]))
final_HDC_centroid = np.zeros(100)
final_HDC_centroid_q = np.zeros(100)

for i in range(N_train):
final_HDC_centroid = final_HDC_centroid + Y_train[i]*alpha[i]*HDC_cont_train[i] #this is mu(vector) from the slides
min_val = np.min(final_HDC_centroid)
max_val = np.max(final_HDC_centroid)
range_val = max_val - min_val
# Calculate the size of each quantization interval
interval_size = range_val / (2**D_b - 1)
# Quantize HDC prototype to D_b-bit
final_HDC_centroid_q = np.round((final_HDC_centroid - min_val) / interval_size) * interval_size + min_val
final_HDC_centroid = final_HDC_centroid + Y_train[i]*alpha[i+1]*HDC_cont_train[i] #this is mu(vector) from the slides

# Quantization
max_centroid = np.max(np.abs(final_HDC_centroid))
final_HDC_centroid_q = np.round(final_HDC_centroid*(2**(D_b-1)-1)/max_centroid)

#Amplification factor for the LS-SVM bias
max = np.max(np.abs(final_HDC_centroid))
fact = (2**D_b-1)/max
fact = (2**(D_b-1)-1)/max_centroid

if np.max(np.abs(final_HDC_centroid)) == 0:
print("Kernel matrix badly conditionned! Ignoring...")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,8 +213,8 @@ def evaluate_F_of_x(Nbr_of_trials, HDC_cont_all, LABELS, beta_, bias_, gamma, al
Y_test = Y_test.astype(int)

# Compute accuracy and sparsity of the test set w.r.t the HDC prototypes
Acc = compute_accuracy(HDC_cont_test_cyclic, Y_test, centroids_q, biases)
Acc = compute_accuracy(HDC_cont_test_cyclic, Y_test, centroids_q, biases_q)
sparsity_HDC_centroid = np.array(centroids_q).flatten()
nbr_zero = np.sum((sparsity_HDC_centroid == 0).astype(int))
SPH = nbr_zero/(sparsity_HDC_centroid.shape[0])
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions WISCONSIN/
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
,r0745164,,12.12.2023 15:38,file:///users/students/r0745164/.config/libreoffice/4;
Binary file modified __pycache__/HDC_library.cpython-36.pyc
Binary file not shown.
129 changes: 86 additions & 43 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -7,24 +7,7 @@
from HDC_library import encode_HDC_RFF
from HDC_library import lookup_generate
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf, linewidth=200)
def lookup_generate(dim, n_keys, mode = 1):
table = np.empty((0, dim))
prob_array = [0] * n_keys
if mode == 0:
for i in range(n_keys):
row = np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(dim), p=[0.5, 0.5])
table = np.vstack((table, row))
for i in range(n_keys):
probability = i / (n_keys-1)
row = np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(dim), p=[1-probability, probability])
table = np.vstack((table, row))
prob_array[i] = probability
return table.astype(np.int8),prob_array
#np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf, linewidth=200)

def test_matrix_probability(LUT,in_p):
Expand All @@ -49,9 +32,10 @@ def test_matrix_probability(LUT,in_p):

#LUT,p_in = lookup_generate(1024,256,1)C
#LUT,p_in = lookup_generate(1024,256,1)

dim = 1024
#position_table = lookup_generate(dim, len(position_table), 1)
#grayscale_table = lookup_generate(dim, len(position_table), 0)
Expand All @@ -60,24 +44,10 @@ def test_matrix_probability(LUT,in_p):
in1 = mat['in1'] # array
in2 = mat['in2']
desired = mat['result']
def encode_HDC_RFF(img, position_table, grayscale_table, dim):
img_hv = np.zeros(dim, dtype=np.int16)
container = np.zeros((len(position_table), dim))
for pixel in range(len(position_table)):
#Get the input-encoding and XOR-ing result:
xor_result = (grayscale_table[pixel] ^ position_table[pixel])
xor_result = (xor_result != 0).astype(int)
hv = xor_result
container[pixel, :] = hv*1
img_hv = np.sum(container, axis = 0) #bundling without the cyclic step yet
return container

def test_XOR(in1,in2,desired,dim):
calculated = encode_HDC_RFF([0], in1, in2, dim)
img_hv, calculated = encode_HDC_RFF([0], in1, in2, dim)
print("desired =",desired)
print("calculated =",calculated)
if (desired == calculated).all():
Expand All @@ -87,18 +57,88 @@ def test_XOR(in1,in2,desired,dim):


# If testset = trainset, we should get 100% accuracy
def test_evaluate_F_of_x(Nbr_of_trials, HDC_cont_all, LABELS, beta_, bias_, gamma, alpha_sp, n_class, N_train, D_b, lambda_1, lambda_2, B_cnt):
local_avg = np.zeros(Nbr_of_trials)
local_avgre = np.zeros(Nbr_of_trials)
local_sparse = np.zeros(Nbr_of_trials)

#Estimate F(x) over "Nbr_of_trials" trials
for trial_ in range(Nbr_of_trials):
HDC_cont_all, LABELS = shuffle(HDC_cont_all, LABELS) # Shuffle dataset for random train-test split

HDC_cont_train_ = HDC_cont_all[:N_train,:] # Take training set
HDC_cont_train_cpy = HDC_cont_train_ * 1
# Apply cyclic accumulation with biases and accumulation speed beta_
cyclic_accumulation_train = HDC_cont_train_cpy % (2 ** B_cnt)
HDC_cont_train_cyclic = np.zeros((cyclic_accumulation_train.shape[0],HDC_cont_all.shape[1]))

for row in range(cyclic_accumulation_train.shape[0]):
cyclic_accumulation_train_vector = np.array(cyclic_accumulation_train[row])

for i in range(len(cyclic_accumulation_train_vector)):
if cyclic_accumulation_train_vector[i] - pow(2,B_cnt-1) > alpha_sp:
cyclic_accumulation_train_vector[i] = 1
elif cyclic_accumulation_train_vector[i] - pow(2,B_cnt-1)< -alpha_sp:
cyclic_accumulation_train_vector[i] = -1
elif abs(cyclic_accumulation_train_vector[i] - pow(2,B_cnt-1)) <= alpha_sp:
cyclic_accumulation_train_vector[i] = 0

HDC_cont_train_cyclic[row] = cyclic_accumulation_train_vector

Y_train = LABELS[:N_train] - 1
Y_train = Y_train.astype(int)

# Train the HDC system to find the prototype hypervectors, _q meqns quantized
centroids, biases, centroids_q, biases_q = train_HDC_RFF(n_class, N_train, Y_train, HDC_cont_train_cyclic, gamma, D_b)

# Do the same encoding steps with the test set
HDC_cont_test_ = HDC_cont_train_ * 1
HDC_cont_test_cpy = HDC_cont_test_ * 1

# Apply cyclic accumulation with biases and accumulation speed beta_

cyclic_accumulation_test = HDC_cont_test_cpy % (2 ** B_cnt)
HDC_cont_test_cyclic = np.zeros((cyclic_accumulation_test.shape[0],HDC_cont_all.shape[1]))
for row in range(cyclic_accumulation_test.shape[0]):
cyclic_accumulation_test_vector = np.array(cyclic_accumulation_test[row])

for i in range(len(cyclic_accumulation_test_vector)):
if cyclic_accumulation_test_vector[i] - pow(2,B_cnt-1) > alpha_sp:
cyclic_accumulation_test_vector[i] = 1
elif cyclic_accumulation_test_vector[i] - pow(2,B_cnt-1) < -alpha_sp:
cyclic_accumulation_test_vector[i] = -1
elif abs(cyclic_accumulation_test_vector[i] - pow(2,B_cnt-1)) <= alpha_sp:
cyclic_accumulation_test_vector[i] = 0
HDC_cont_test_cyclic[row] = cyclic_accumulation_test_vector

Y_test = Y_train * 1
Y_test = Y_test.astype(int)

# Compute accuracy and sparsity of the test set w.r.t the HDC prototypes
Acc = compute_accuracy(HDC_cont_test_cyclic, Y_test, centroids_q, biases_q)
sparsity_HDC_centroid = np.array(centroids_q).flatten()
nbr_zero = np.sum((sparsity_HDC_centroid == 0).astype(int))
SPH = nbr_zero/(sparsity_HDC_centroid.shape[0])
local_avg[trial_] = lambda_1 * Acc + lambda_2 * SPH #Cost F(x) is defined as 1 - this quantity
local_avgre[trial_] = Acc
local_sparse[trial_] = SPH

return local_avg, local_avgre, local_sparse

dataset_path = 'WISCONSIN/data.csv'
imgsize_vector = 100 #Each input vector has 30 features
imgsize_vector = 30 #Each input vector has 30 features
n_class = 2
D_b = 8 #We target 4-bit HDC prototypes
D_b = 4 #We target 4-bit HDC prototypes
B_cnt = 8
maxval = 256 #The input features will be mapped from 0 to 255 (8-bit)
D_HDC = 300 #HDC hypervector dimension
D_HDC = 100 #HDC hypervector dimension
portion = 0.6 #We choose 60%-40% split between train and test sets
Nbr_of_trials = 8 #Test accuracy averaged over Nbr_of_trials runs
N_tradeof_points = 100 #Number of tradeoff points - use 100
Nbr_of_trials = 1 #Test accuracy averaged over Nbr_of_trials runs
N_tradeof_points = 20 #Number of tradeoff points - use 100
N_fine = int(N_tradeof_points*0.4) #Number of tradeoff points in the "fine-grain" region - use 30
#Initialize the sparsity-accuracy hyperparameter search
lambda_fine = np.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, N_tradeof_points-N_fine)
Expand All @@ -123,11 +163,14 @@ def test_XOR(in1,in2,desired,dim):
#3) Generate HDC LUTs and bundle dataset
grayscale_table = lookup_generate(D_HDC, maxval, mode = 1) #Input encoding LUT
position_table = lookup_generate(D_HDC, imgsize_vector, mode = 0) #weight for XOR-ing
grayscale_table, prob_array1 = lookup_generate(D_HDC, maxval, mode = 1) #Input encoding LUT
position_table, prob_array2 = lookup_generate(D_HDC, imgsize_vector, mode = 0) #weight for XOR-ing
HDC_cont_all = np.zeros((X.shape[0], D_HDC)) #Will contain all "bundled" HDC vectors
bias_ = 0 # -> INSERT YOUR CODE #generate the random biases once

print("X dimension =",X.shape)
print("position table =", np.shape(position_table))
print("grayscale table =", np.shape(grayscale_table))
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
if i%100 == 0:
print(str(i) + "/" + str(X.shape[0]))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,7 +234,7 @@ def test_XOR(in1,in2,desired,dim):
# a) thresholding and encoding of bundled dataset into final HDC "ternary" vectors (-1, 0, +1)
# b) Training and testing the HDC system on "Nbr_of_trials" trials (with different random dataset splits)
# c) Returns lambda_1*Acc + lambda_2*Sparsity, Accuracy and Sparsity for each trials
local_avg, local_avgre, local_sparse = evaluate_F_of_x(Nbr_of_trials, HDC_cont_all, LABELS, beta_, bias_, gamma, alpha_sp, n_class, N_train, D_b, lambda_1, lambda_2, B_cnt)
local_avg, local_avgre, local_sparse = test_evaluate_F_of_x(Nbr_of_trials, HDC_cont_all, LABELS, beta_, bias_, gamma, alpha_sp, n_class, N_train, D_b, lambda_1, lambda_2, B_cnt)
F_of_x.append(1 - np.mean(local_avg)) #Append cost F(x)
Expand Down
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import numpy as np

final_HDC_centroid = np.arange(-100, 21)
final_HDC_centroid_q = np.zeros(len(final_HDC_centroid))

max_centroid = np.max(np.abs(final_HDC_centroid))
min_centroid = np.min(np.abs(final_HDC_centroid))

#if (final_HDC_centroid[x] >= 0): fact = (2**(D_b-1)-1)/max_centroid
#else: fact = (2**(D_b-1))/max_centroid
final_HDC_centroid_q = np.round(final_HDC_centroid*(2**(D_b-1)-1)/max_centroid)

for x in range(len(final_HDC_centroid)):
if (final_HDC_centroid[x] >= 0): final_HDC_centroid_q[x] = (final_HDC_centroid[x]-min_centroid)*((2**(D_b-1)-1)/(max_centroid-min_centroid))
else: final_HDC_centroid_q[x] = -(max_centroid - final_HDC_centroid[x])*((2**(D_b-1))/(max_centroid-min_centroid))

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