=> This is the back-end for the Crypto Lottery application. This is an ethereum based lottery contract which works within the following parameters:
-> The account used to create the contract is the manager account
-> All players need to contribute ether in multiples of 0.1 ether and atleast 0.2 ether to register for the lottery
-> Winning chances increase with larger ether contributions
-> Multiple registrations from the same account increase winning chances
-> The manager can also be a participant in the lottery
-> The manager is the only account with permissions to choose a winner
-> It currently uses a pseudo RNG to pick a winner (can be gamed if someone has enough determination)
-> The contract resets itself ready for another round of registrations after a winner is picked
-> The manager cannot destroy the contract unless it is empty
=> The latest copy of this contract is currently deployed on the Rinkeby Test Network at the address: 0x68ab46B1C9d4907976E1301be9e3f1367F0991f3
-> Please use the UI provided at https://github.com/sreeharshau/EthereumLotteryApplication_ReactUI to interact with this contract