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Working Snake game with resources
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sreeharshau committed Oct 30, 2020
1 parent d06d76b commit cdf8ae2
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Showing 9 changed files with 328 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added TitleImage.jpg
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Binary file added TitleImage2.jpg
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Binary file added batmanforeveralternate.ttf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added cherryImg.jpg
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Binary file added gameEnd.png
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Binary file added scoreBoardBackground.jpg
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Binary file added scoreImg.png
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328 changes: 328 additions & 0 deletions
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import os, sys, random, math, time
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *

# Game parameters
defaultWidth = 1200
defaultHeight = 900
gameTileSize = 20

scoreBoardHeight = 100

# Color RGB Presets
blackColor = (0, 0, 0)
athensGray = (214, 218, 219)
woodBrown = (48, 39, 27)
topaz = (255, 191, 128)

# Colors to use for sprites
snakeColor = (68, 105, 125)
boardColor = (105, 225, 65)
cherryColor = (225, 65, 105)

# Game board refresh time
intervalTime = 0.03

class Board:
""" Class to represent the board """
def __init__(self, width, height):
Board class constructor - Initializes board based on length and width parameters
width (Integer) - Board width
height (Integer) - Board height
Returns: None

# Initialize window
self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))

# Board background
self.windowBackground = pygame.image.load('woodbackground.jpg')
self.windowBackground = pygame.transform.scale(self.windowBackground, (width, height - scoreBoardHeight))

# Cherry Image
self.cherryImg = pygame.image.load('cherryImg.jpg')
self.cherryImg = pygame.transform.scale(self.cherryImg, (round(gameTileSize * 1.5), round(gameTileSize * 1.5)))

# "Score" WordArt Image
self.scoreImg = pygame.image.load('scoreImg.png')
self.scoreImg = pygame.transform.scale(self.scoreImg, (round(width * 0.2), round(scoreBoardHeight * 0.8)))

# Score-board background
self.scoreBackground = pygame.image.load('scoreBoardBackground.jpg')
self.scoreBackground = pygame.transform.scale(self.scoreBackground, (round(width), round(scoreBoardHeight)))

# Font for displaying score - Supplied with the repository
self.scoreFont = pygame.font.Font('batmanforeveralternate.ttf', round(scoreBoardHeight * 0.5))


self.width = width
self.height = height

# Board row and column limits
self.cols = math.floor(width/gameTileSize)
self.rows = math.floor((height - scoreBoardHeight)/gameTileSize)

self.cherryPosition = None

# Create a Snake object
self.snake = Snake(self)

# Create the first cherry on the board

def checkBoundary(self, newPosition):
Function to check if a new position falls outside the board boundary i.e. is invalid
newPosition - Tuple with 2 integers (x and y coordinates)
Returns: True if valid and False otherwise
if((0 <= newPosition[0] <= width - 1) and (0 <= newPosition[1] <= height - 1)):
return True
return False

def convertPosition(self, newPosition):
Function to convert a position to fall within the board boundaries
newPosition - Tuple with 2 integers (x and y coordinates)
Returns: Converted Tuple with 2 integers (x and y coordinates)
returnTuple = (newPosition[0] % self.cols, newPosition[1] % self.rows)
return returnTuple

def setNewCherry(self, occupiedPositions):
Generates a new cherry on the board for the snake to eat and grow using random integers
Picks a position not already occupied by the snake
occupiedPositions - List of positions (tuples) occupied by the snake
newCherryX = occupiedPositions[0][0]
newCherryY = occupiedPositions[0][1]

# Make sure cherry doesn't overlap with Snake
while((newCherryX, newCherryY) in occupiedPositions):
newCherryX = random.randint(0, self.cols - 2)
newCherryY = random.randint(0, self.rows - 2)

# Initialize cherry center and surrounding 8 squares as cherry positions
self.cherryPosition = (newCherryX, newCherryY)
self.cherryPositions = []

cherryPos2 = (newCherryX + 1, newCherryY)
cherryPos3 = (newCherryX + 1, newCherryY + 1)
cherryPos4 = (newCherryX, newCherryY + 1)
cherryPos5 = (newCherryX - 1, newCherryY)
cherryPos6 = (newCherryX - 1, newCherryY - 1)
cherryPos7 = (newCherryX, newCherryY - 1)
cherryPos8 = (newCherryX - 1, newCherryY + 1)
cherryPos9 = (newCherryX + 1, newCherryY - 1)

def gameEnd(self):
Function to handle event post game loss
# Load and display Game End message
endGame = pygame.image.load('gameEnd.png')
self.window.blit(endGame, (self.width/8 , self.height/2))

# Wait for mouse click or quit to exit
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if(event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP or event.type == QUIT):

def moveSnake(self):
Function to move snake on the board by calling underlying snake object
Also checks to see if cherry was eaten and generates a new cherry
Arguments: None
Returns: None
# Call underlying Snake object's makeMove function
moveValid, ateCherry = self.snake.makeMove(self.snake.currDirection)

if(moveValid == False):
# End the game if move was invalid
# If a valid move
if(ateCherry == True):

# Redraw all sprites

def updateBoard(self):
Draws sprites and objects onto screen
Arguments: None
Returns: None
# Draw window and score-board backgrounds
self.window.blit(self.windowBackground, (0, 0))
self.window.blit(self.scoreBackground, (0, self.height - scoreBoardHeight))

# Draw border between board and score-board
borderRect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height - scoreBoardHeight)
pygame.draw.rect(self.window, athensGray, borderRect, 5)

# Render score
scoreText = self.scoreFont.render(str(self.snake.cherriesEaten * 100), True, athensGray, woodBrown)
self.window.blit(scoreText, (self.width * 0.22, (self.height - scoreBoardHeight) + scoreBoardHeight * 0.1, self.width * 0.2, scoreBoardHeight))

# Draw snake body
for posTuple in self.snake.occupiedPositions:
rectPositionX = gameTileSize * posTuple[0]
rectPositionY = gameTileSize * posTuple[1], snakeColor, (rectPositionX, rectPositionY), gameTileSize/2)

cherryRectX = gameTileSize * self.cherryPosition[0]
cherryRectY = gameTileSize * self.cherryPosition[1]

# Draw cherry
self.window.blit(self.cherryImg, (cherryRectX, cherryRectY))

# Draw "Score" WordArt
self.window.blit(self.scoreImg, (0, self.height - scoreBoardHeight))


def runGame(self):
Main loop to run the game. Handles events from PyGame and calls underlying functions as needed
Arguments: None
Returns: None
# Update the board before starting

# Loop to update the board every intervalTime seconds
for event in pygame.event.get():
if(event.type == QUIT):
# Handle close button click
elif(event.type == KEYDOWN):
# Handle key presses to change snake direction
if(event.key == K_LEFT and self.snake.currDirection != 'right'):
self.snake.currDirection = 'left'
elif(event.key == K_RIGHT and self.snake.currDirection != 'left'):
self.snake.currDirection = 'right'
elif(event.key == K_UP and self.snake.currDirection != 'down'):
self.snake.currDirection = 'up'
elif(event.key == K_DOWN and self.snake.currDirection != 'up'):
self.snake.currDirection = 'down'


# Move snake - If no keys are pressed, continues moving in earlier direction
# Update board after move

class Snake:
"""Class to represent the snake and hold all related properties"""
def __init__(self, board):
Constructor for Snake. Constructs a Snake of length 2 with the head located at (0, 1) by default.
Arguments: None
Returns: None
self.length = 2
self.cherriesEaten = 0
self.headPosition = (0, 1)
self.occupiedPositions = [self.headPosition, (0, 0)]
self.currDirection = 'right'
self.board = board

def changeDirection(self, direction):
""" Changes the current movement direction of the snake """
self.currDirection = direction

def ateCherry(self):
Function to perform activities after a cherry has been eaten.
Grows 2 circles after each eaten cherry
Arguments: None
Returns: None
self.length += 2
self.cherriesEaten += 1

def makeMove(self, direction):
Function to move the snake in a specified direction on the board
Direction: String to indicate movement direction ('up', 'down', 'left' or 'right')
(True, True) if move was valid and cherry was eaten
(True, False) if move was valid but cherry wasnt eaten
(False, False) if move was invalid i.e. the snake hit itself
ateCherry = False

# Calculate new position
if(direction == 'left'):
newPosition = (self.headPosition[0] - 1, self.headPosition[1])
elif(direction == 'right'):
newPosition = (self.headPosition[0] + 1, self.headPosition[1])
elif(direction == 'up'):
newPosition = (self.headPosition[0], self.headPosition[1] - 1)
elif(direction == 'down'):
newPosition = (self.headPosition[0], self.headPosition[1] + 1)

# Convert new position to avoid crossing board boundaries
newPosition = self.board.convertPosition(newPosition)

if(newPosition not in self.occupiedPositions):
# No snake collision with itself detected
self.headPosition = newPosition

# Insert new headPositioninto occupiedPositions
self.occupiedPositions.insert(0, (newPosition))

if(newPosition in self.board.cherryPositions):
# If cherry eaten, grow by adding additional position to occupiedPositions i.e. add 2 pop 1 overall in this funtion
ateCherry = True
self.occupiedPositions.insert(-1, self.occupiedPositions[-1])

# If no cherry, remove one position from tail since new head has been inserted above to maintain length

return (True, ateCherry)

# Snake collision detected so the move is invalid
return (False, False)

if(__name__ == "__main__"):
# Initialize board and run game
board = Board(defaultWidth, defaultHeight)
Binary file added woodbackground.jpg
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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