A simple python algorithm to run Tegrastats and then parse data from the time-stamped log file obtained.
Command line options:
- --interval, -i (type=int, default=1000, help='Logging interval in milliseconds for tegrastats')
- --log_file, -f (type=string, default='output_log.txt', help='Log file name for tegrastats data')
- --only_parse, -p (help='Parse tegrastats log file without running tegrastats')
- --graph, -g (help='Plots some useful graphs from tegrastats data parsed')
Usage without generation of plots
python main.py --interval <logging_interval_in_mS> --log_file <path_to_log_file>/<name_of_log_file>.txt
Usage with generation of plots
python main.py --interval <logging_interval_in_mS> --log_file <path_to_log_file>/<name_of_log_file>.txt --graph
To stop running Tegrastats in the background and parse the log file, execute the following command
Usage with only parsing of output text log file from tegrastats
python main.py --only_parse --interval <logging_interval_in_mS> --log_file <path_to_log_file>/<name_of_log_file>.txt
To only obtain plots using existing csv file, change the file name under the variable csv_file and execute the following command
python main.py --graph
To install all dependency libraries, execute the following command
pip3 install -r requirements.txt