Midiexplorer is a tool for exploring and analyzing a large collection of MIDI files. In particular, it was developed for managing the Clean MIDI subset that can be downloaded from https://colinraffel.com/projects/lmd/. This collection contains approximately 17,000 MIDI files organized by artist. If you download this collection, then you should also get the folder lakh_playlist which links the various music genres to this collection.
Midiexplorer contains various visualization tools. It can extract the characteristics of these files and store them in a database. This database can be used to search for files having certain attributes.
The latest documentation is found on https://midiexplorer.sourceforge.io/.
With one exception (see below), you will require tcl/tk 8.5 or higher and some other executables installed on your system. On Linux, you start midiexplorer by typing
wish midiexplorer.tcl
On Windows you would double click on the midiexplorer.tcl icon.
Midiexplorer depends on many external applications. If you are running runabc, then you probably have these externals.
It requires a midi player (either commercial or freeware). Several players are suggested in the documentation.
Midiexplorer requires the executables midicopy, midi2abc, abc2midi which are part of the abcmidi project. The latest source code to these externals as well as midiexplorer.tcl can be found on https://ifdo.ca/~seymour/runabc/top.html The source code can also be found on https://sourceforge.net/projects/abcmidi/ or https://github.com/sshlien/abcmidi but they are not updated frequently.
You also require an internet browser in order to use some of the features.
Binaries for various operating systems can be found on http://abcplus.sourceforge.net/
If you running on a Windows operating system (Windows 10, 8.1, 8,0, 7, or XP), then you can install midiexplorer from https://sourceforge.net/projects/midiexplorer/. The windows_binary folder contains win32 executables that allow you to avoid installing Tcl/Tk. You will still need an external midi player.