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Creates a self-destructing test database for use in test suites from one or more SQL files (e.g. schema + test corpus). Includes several safety checks to prevent polluting production databases.


npm install --save-dev dbtestutil


The MySQL client binary mysql must be available.

Rules of the Road

To use this module, your project must conform to the following standards in order to be a good citizen and minimize the chance of wrecking a production database:

  • All databases must be fully described in schema files. They should go in the project's db directory.
  • the schema file MUST NOT include DROP IF nor REPLACE IF clauses. This prevents damage to existing databases if something goes wrong.
  • the schema file MUST NOT identify the database (no CREATE DATABASE foo, no USE foo, no GRANT ALL ON foo TO ..., etc).
  • a separate file can be created for creating the database and users, but it must not be processed by dbtestutil.
  • All test suites SHOULD provide a hostBlacklist containing production hostnames and IPs.
  • All test suites MUST provide a test database name. It SHOULD be unique (or have a high probability of being unique) and easily identifiable as a test database. Use DbTestUtil.makeDatabaseName(projectName) if you are unsure.
  • All projects SHOULD default to test parameters and server configs.

The above conventions should keep you safe. This module tries to prevent database catastrophes in the following ways:

  • The module will refuse to perform if the database name does not end in the magic suffix (which defaults to _test) to avoid clobbering active databases.
  • The module will refuse to perform if the database host appears in the hostBlacklist to avoid running tests on production database servers. As mentioned above, it is highly recommended that a hostBlacklist be provided.
  • The module will refuse to perform if the named database already exists to avoid clobbering an existing database.


There may be several developers working on several projects that utilize dbtestutil. Having each developer configure the database connection information in each project can get tedious. To save some effort, dbtestutil will look for common configuration in a few places:

  • $HOME/.dbtestutil.conf
  • /usr/local/etc/dbtestutil.conf
  • /etc/dbtestutil.conf

Developers can put their connection settings (username, password, host, etc) in a file in one of those locations and have those settings used whereever dbtestutil is used. Those are JSON files containing any of the options applicable to the connectionConfig object passed to createTestDb().


new DbTestUtil(options)

Instantiates a new DbTestUtil instance.

The options parameter can contain any of the following (defaults listed below):

  • mysql: name of mysql binary or path to mysql binary
  • databaseMustEndWith: a suffix to look for so that we know for sure we didn't accidentally pass a production database name to this module.
  • hostBlacklist: a list of hosts which are disallowed. Include all production database hostnames and IPs in here so that we don't accidentally point this module at the production database server.
  • charset: the database's default character set.
  • collate: the database's default collation table.

Here are the default values:

    "mysql": "mysql",
    "databaseMustEndWith": "_test",
    "hostBlacklist": [],
    "charset": "utf8mb4",
    "collate": "utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci",

createTestDb(connectionConfig, sqlFiles, callback)

The connectionConfig parameter can contain any of the following (defaults listed below):

  • user: a database username which corresponds to a user with database create and event create permissions.
  • password: the user's password.
  • socketPath: socket file to use for connection. If set, the connection will happen via the socket and the host and port are ignored.
  • host: hostname of the database server. Must not appear in hostBlacklist.
  • port: TCP port for the database server.
  • database: name of the database to create. Must not already exist. Must have expected suffix (databaseMustEndWith).
  • selfDestruct: an ISO8601 duration indicating when the database should be automatically removed via the event scheduler. Set to false to preserve the database indefinitely.

Here are the default values:

    "user": "root",
    "password": "",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 3306,
    "database": "", // no default, must be supplied by caller
    "selfDestruct": "P1W"

The sqlFiles parameter is an array of 0 or more SQL files to load into the database. Usually this will include a schema file and a test corpus.

The callback function accepts (err) which is either null/undefined OR an instance of Error. Here are some of the errors that one might see...

  • DBTESTUTIL_DATABASE_MISSING_SUFFIX - the name of the database does not end with the databaseMustEndWith option passed to the constructor.
  • DBTESTUTIL_HOST_BLACKLISTED - if host is present in the hostBlacklist option passed to the constructor.
  • DBTESTUTIL_DB_CREATE - if there is a problem creating the database (auth/autz error, duplicate, etc).
  • DBTESTUTIL_EVENT_CREATE - if there is a problem creating the self-destruct event.
  • DBTESTUTIL_MYSQL_CMD - if there is a problem loading the SQL file(s).
  • DBTESTUTIL_PRODUCTION_ENVIRONMENT - if the NODE_ENV environment variable is set to production; You probably don't want to run dbtestutil in that case.

static makeDatabaseName(stem, suffix = "test", separator = "_")

Generates a database name like foobar_3813f39a_test.


const dbTestUtil = new DbTestUtil();
const connectionConfig = {
    database: DbTestUtil.makeDatabaseName('dbtestutil'),

dbTestUtil.createTestDb(connectionConfig, [
    path.join(__dirname, 'schema.sql'),
    path.join(__dirname, 'corpus.sql'),
], (err) => {
    if (err) {
    const conn = mysql.createConnection(connectionConfig);

    ... use conn in test suite ...


There is an automated test suite:

npm test

Depending on your setup, you may need to create test/db.conf. This is a JSON file which will contain the connectionConfig object (documented above) which is passed to createTestDb().




Launches an isolated instance of MySQL








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