Install Jupyter notebook. Python version >=3.5 is needed.
-- Table 2: "Baseline characteristics of the population" is generated from BASELINE.ipynb
-- Table 3: "Gestation-wise baseline characteristics of the population" is generated from BASELINE.ipynb
-- Table 4: "Significant risks for longer length of stay according to gestation group" is generated from GIT LOG LOS.ipynb
-- Supplementary table 1: "Model comparison for LOS" is generated from Models GIT.ipynb
-- Supplementary table 2: "Distribution of patients in gestation groups" is generated from Distribution_gestation.ipynb
Steps to successfully run individual scripts: Install and import the required packages - numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, pandas, tabulate, plotly, statsmodels, itertools, scipy
- Download any of the three available CSVs in a folder
- Define the path in pd.read_csv in baseline.ipynb
- Run the script and two baseline tables will be generated (generic population baseline and gestation-wise baseline characteristics).
- Download any of the three available CSVs in a folder
- Define the path in pd.read_csv in LOS GIT.ipynb
- Run the script and the LOS table will be generated after approximately 20 minutes. Also, ignore the warnings.