bee•z is a beekeeping system that solves the problems of beehive sensing, apiary management and maintenance planning.
(click for bee•z explainer 👆)
The system collects the operational in-field data, real-time sensory data, environmental parameters in an automatic or old-school manual way. Using the bee-friendly low radiation ways of communication (LoRa/LoRaWAN) the data is transferred for further processing.
The beekeeper can access this data remotely using his phone, tablet, or computer. With advanced algorithms and machine-aided data processing, the system acts like a digital side-kick that never sleeps and keeps the beekeeper on top of the situation.
bee•z is combination of multiple hardware and software parts. Important modules/component/parts are shown on the folowing diagram:
Development artifacts are combined into this repository and are synchronized with multiple internal repositories. The major parts are:
- general stuff, provisioning, database, integrations, ... - in folder system
- web based portal - in folder portal
- gateway & nodes - in folders gateway and node
There are no details development nor deployment guideliness, but in order to provision the system, use the following for local development:
docker-compose -p beez -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-dev.yml --env-file dev.env up
or this, for testing purposes:
docker-compose -p beez -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-tst.yml --env-file tst.env up
In order to deploy physical nodes, in addition to burning the firmware, in case of using LoRaWAN, it is necessery provision the device, which in case of The Things Network looks like:
ttn-lw-cli dev create beez <> \
--device-id "<ID>" \
--name "<NAME>" \
--description "<DESCRIPITION>" \
--frequency-plan-id EU_863_870_TTN \
--lorawan-version 1.0.2 \
--lorawan-phy-version 1.0.2-b \
--abp \
--mac-settings.resets-f-cnt \ $(openssl rand -hex 4) \ $(openssl rand -hex 16) \
--session.keys.f_nwk_s_int_key.key $(openssl rand -hex 16)