In this repository a couple of Business intelligence projects with Microsoft Power BI will be added from time to time.
This project uses visualizations that include scatter and bar charts to provide insight about the evolution of life expectancy and GDP per capita. The dataset "SampleDataWS" from Gapminder combines data from multiple sources into coherent time-series information about life expectancy over time for countries and regions around the world. Single countries and regions can be observed by using the slicers on the right border.
After a short data cleanup the trend of life expectancy over time could be displayed for each country and region (average of countrys in reagion). We can see that life expectancy grows over time. In addition, the size of the population is highlighted by the size of the data points.
The GDP per capita variation over time follows the same trend. A stacked column chart was used to show this. The second bar chart shows this development for different income levels instead of the regions.
A very simple first project to understand basic functions of the software. The goal of this project is to model and analyze data from a sales records database and answer the questions beneath:
- What were the total sales for the company?
- Which market generated the most sales on average?
- What were the profits by segment? Which segment has the most profit?
The procedure is described in the attached notebook superstore.ipynb.