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gl-mat4 stable

Part of a fork of @toji's gl-matrix split into smaller pieces: this package contains glMatrix.mat4.



mat4 = require('gl-mat4')

Will load all of the module's functionality and expose it on a single object. Note that any of the methods may also be required directly from their files.

For example, the following are equivalent:

var scale = require('gl-mat4').scale
var scale = require('gl-mat4/scale')


add(out:mat4, a:mat4, b:mat4)

Adds two mat4's

adjoint(out:mat4, a:mat4)

Calculates the adjugate of a mat4


Creates a new mat4 initialized with values from an existing matrix

copy(out:mat4, a:mat4)

Copy the values from one mat4 to another


Creates a new identity mat4


Calculates the determinant of a mat4

fromQuat(out:mat4, q:quat4)

Creates a matrix from a quaternion rotation.

fromRotation(out:mat4, rad:number, axis:vec3)

Creates a matrix from a given angle around a given axis This is equivalent to (but much faster than):

  mat4.rotate(dest, dest, rad, axis);

fromRotationTranslation(out:mat4, q:quat4, v:vec3)

Creates a matrix from a quaternion rotation and vector translation. This is equivalent to (but much faster than):

  mat4.translate(dest, vec);
  var quatMat = mat4.create();
  quat4.toMat4(quat, quatMat);
  mat4.multiply(dest, quatMat);

fromScaling(out:mat4, v:vec3)

Creates a matrix from a vector scaling. This is equivalent to (but much faster than):

  mat4.translate(dest, dest, vec);

fromTranslation(out:mat4, v:vec3)

Creates a matrix from a vector translation. This is equivalent to (but much faster than):

  mat4.translate(dest, dest, vec);

fromTranslation(out:mat4, v:vec3)

Creates a matrix from a vector translation This is equivalent to (but much faster than):

  mat4.translate(dest, dest, vec);

fromXRotation(out:mat4, rad:Number)

Creates a matrix from the given angle around the X axis This is equivalent to (but much faster than):

  mat4.rotateX(dest, dest, rad)

fromYRotation(out:mat4, rad:Number)

Creates a matrix from the given angle around the Y axis This is equivalent to (but much faster than):

  mat4.rotateY(dest, dest, rad)

fromZRotation(out:mat4, rad:Number)

Creates a matrix from the given angle around the Z axis This is equivalent to (but much faster than):

  mat4.rotateZ(dest, dest, rad)

frustum(out:mat4, left:Number, right:Number, bottom:Number, top:Number, near:Number, far:Number)

Generates a frustum matrix with the given bounds


Set a mat4 to the identity matrix

invert(out:mat4, a:mat4)

Inverts a mat4

lookAt(out:mat4, eye:vec3, center:vec3, up:vec3)

Generates a look-at matrix with the given eye position, focal point, and up axis

multiply(out:mat4, a:mat4, b:mat4)

Multiplies two mat4's

ortho(out:mat4, left:number, right:number, bottom:number, top:number, near:number, far:number)

Generates a orthogonal projection matrix with the given bounds

perspective(out:mat4, fovy:number, aspect:number, near:number, far:number)

Generates a perspective projection matrix with the given bounds

perspectiveFromFieldOfView(out:mat4, fov:object, near:number, far:number)

Generates a perspective projection matrix with the given field of view.

rotate(out:mat4, a:mat4, rad:Number, axis:vec3)

Rotates a mat4 by the given angle

rotateX(out:mat4, a:mat4, rad:Number)

Rotates a matrix by the given angle around the X axis

rotateY(out:mat4, a:mat4, rad:Number)

Rotates a matrix by the given angle around the Y axis

rotateZ(out:mat4, a:mat4, rad:Number)

Rotates a matrix by the given angle around the Z axis

scale(out:mat4, a:mat4, v:vec3)

Scales the mat4 by the dimensions in the given vec3


Returns a string representation of a mat4

sub(out:mat4, a:mat4, b:mat4)

Subtracts two mat4's

translate(out:mat4, a:mat4, v:vec3)

Translate a mat4 by the given vector

transpose(out:mat4, a:mat4)

Transpose the values of a mat4


zlib. See for details.