WIP, but very much usable.
- neovim - obviously
- ripgrep - for lazy searching
- patched font - for icons
- lazygit - I love fugitive, but it took a lot of tweaking to get it into a shape that was actually pleasant to work with for me, so I opted for less extensibility, but better out-of-the-box experience
- cargo - needed for parinfer-rust, there is no native imeplementation that works yet
- xclip - or similar for os clipboard support
- https://github.com/sharkdp/fd
Clone to ~/.config/
. Don't touch files in the lua/
folder, they are autogenerated by fnfl
. The only non-fennel file that's supposed to be modified is init.lua
Run the editor from project root and wait for the plugin manager to do its stuff. When finished, run :ParinferInstall
and restart your editor.
Conjure mapping are left with the defaults. To see the docs, bring up help tag search with <C-h>
and search conjure
For autoformatting to work, some cljfmt config must be loaded. The LSP formatter will look for it in current project folder, but it's good to have a local one that's used as a default. The project config will be merged into it anyway, but if no cljfmt config is loaded, the formatter doesn't start.
There is a barebone cljfmt config in the root of this repo. To use it, add its path to the LSP config.
;; ~/.config/clojure-lsp/config.edn
{:cljfmt-config-path "~/.config/nvim/.cljfmt.edn"}
All this and much more can be found in the clojure-lsp docs.
Mason is used as a tool of choice. To bring up the ui, execute :Mason
. Clojure, Lua and Fennel servers are pre-configured and should work out of the box.
provides some handy snippets out of the box.
To add custom snipets, edit the clojure-lsp
;; ~/.config/clojure-lsp/config.edn
{:cljfmt-config-path "~/.config/nvim/.cljfmt.edn"
:additional-snippets [{:name "pp"
:detail "Insert clojure pretty print"
:snippet "(clojure.pprint/pprint $0)"}]}
It's all configurable, this is how I like it. Defaults are used for everythng else and can be easily found by a help tag telescope search - <C-h>
Check docs and default mappings online or via help tags for
if you're not familiar with them. These plugins are extremely handy.
is mapped to z
and <localleader>
to c
. This can be changed in init.lua
Key binding | Effect |
gn |
Switch to next buffer |
gp |
Switch to previous buffer |
gx |
Close buffer |
gX |
Close all boffers except the current one |
<Bacspace> |
Clear highlights |
to |
Open new tab |
tn |
Next tab |
tp |
Previous tab |
tx |
Close tab |
<M-w> |
Easy motion by words |
<C-f> |
Telescope - fuzzy find files |
<C-j> |
Telescope - live grep |
<C-b> |
Telescope - currently open buffers |
<C-h> |
Telescope - help tags |
<C-s> |
Telescope - resume last search |
<C-u> |
Scroll down in buffers and float docs |
<C-d> |
Scroll up in buffers and float docs |
F2 |
Toggle directory tree |
gd |
LSP - go to definition |
K |
LSP - doc |
<leader>ld |
LSP - declaration |
<leader>lt |
LSP - type definition |
<leader>lh |
LSP - signature help |
<leader>r |
LSP - mass rename |
<leader>lq |
LSP diagnostics - setloclist |
<leader>lf |
LSP - run formatter |
<leader>w |
LSP diagnostics - go to next |
<leader>W |
LSP diagnostics - go to previous |
<C-a> |
LSP - code action menu |
<C-i> |
LSP/Telescope - search for implementations |
<M-r> |
LSP/Telescope - search for references |
<M-d> |
LSP/Telescope - search for diagnostics |
<leader>gg |
Bring up Lazygit |
<leader>gp |
Git - preview hunk in the buffer |
<leader>gb |
Git - blame in the buffer |
<leader>gs |
Git - stage hunk in the buffer |
<leader>gS |
Git - stage whole buffer |
<leader>gu |
Git - undo stage hunk in the buffer |
<leader>gr |
Git - reset in the buffer |
<leader>gd |
Git - show diff in a new split |
<leader>gR |
Git - reset whole buffer |
<TAB> |
Next in float windows |
<S-TAB> |
Previous in float windows |