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sTest - is an testing framework for node.js applications, which provides new testing experience to the TypeScript.


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sTest - is an testing framework for node.js applications, which provides new testing experience to the TypeScript.

Getting started


Node.js 18.x+ version must be installed in your OS.


Usage: npx stest [options]

Testing framework for TypeScript Node.js applications

  --init [extension]   initialise configuration file [json | yml | ts | js]
  -w, --watch          run tests in watch mode
  -c, --config <path>  define custom config file path


  • Install dependency

    $ yarn add @stlib/testing
  • Enable decorators in your tsconfing.json

      "experimentalDecorators": true


How to create tests and run tests


You can see test examples here

First you need is to create a .spec.ts or .test.ts file.

This testing framework uses decorators to define tests. You need to create a class with @Test('Test suite name') decorator. Each test must be a class method with decorator @Case('test case description'). @Case description and @Test name can be ignored


import { assertThat, Test, Case } from '@stlib/testing';

@Test('Example testing suite')
class MyTests {

  @Case('Example pass test case')
  checkIfTenIsMoreThatFive() {
  checkIfTenIsString() {

To run tests, use cli command

$ npx stest

Decorators API


You can see test examples here

Decorator Description
@Test(description?: string) Define a class as a test suite
@Case(description?: string) Define method as a test case
@Case({ description?: string, timeout?: number }) Define method as a test case with custom timeout time
@DataSet(...dataSets: any[][]) Define data sets for multiple running one test case with different data
@DataTable(dataTable: { inputs: any[], expected: any }[]) Define data table for multiple running one test case with different data. Data table prevents running tests with data sets.
@AfterAll(description?: string) Force method to run after all test cases
@BeforeAll(description?: string) Force method to run before all test cases
@AfterEach(description?: string) Runs after each test case
@BeforeEach(description?: string) Runs before each test case

Assertions API


Method Description
toEqual(expected: any) Check equality between actual and expected
toNotEqual(expected: any) Check if actual and expected are not equal
toStrictEqual(expected: any) Check strict equality between actual and expected
toStrictNotEqual(expected: any) Check if actual and expected are strict not equal
toBe(expected: any) Check if actual is an expected
toNotBe(expected: any) Check if actual is not an expected
toObjectEqual(expected: any) Check if two objects or arrays are equal
toBeTruthy() Check if actual is true
toBeFalsy() Check if actual is false
toBeGreaterThan(expected: number) Check if actual is greater than expected
toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(expected: number) Check if actual is greater than or equals expected
toBeLessThan(expected: number) Check if actual is less than expected
toBeLessThanOrEqual(expected: number) Check if actual is less than or equal expected
toBeDefined() Check if actual is defined
toBeUndefined() Check if actual is undefined
toBeNull() Check if actual is null
toBeNotNull() Check if actual is not null
toBeNaN() Check if actual is NaN
toBeFinite() Check if actual is finite number
toBeTypeOf(type: any) Check if actual is type of expected. Example: assertThat('a').toBeTypeOf('string'), assertThat(TypeError).toBeTypeOf(Error)
toHaveProperty(property: any) Check if actual has expected property
toHavePropertyEqual(property: any, value: any) Check if actual has expected property which is equal to value
toHaveAllProperties(properties: any[]) Check if actual has all of expected properties
toHaveAnyProperties(properties: any[]) Check if actual has any of expected properties
toThrow(expectedError?: ErrorConstructor, ...args: any[]) Check if actual throw an error or expected error. Also you can provide arguments for actual function
toNotThrow(expectedError?: ErrorConstructor, ...args: any[]) Check if actual do not throw an error or do not throw an error provided to as 'expectedError' param. Also you can provide arguments for actual function
toContain(expected: any) Check if actual contains a value from expected
toContainEqual(expected: any) Check if actual contains a value which equal to value from expected
toMatch(expected: RegExp or string) Check if actual mathes to expected regular expression
toHaveLength(expected: number) Check if actual has expected length
toStartWith(expected: string) Check if actual starts with expected string
toEndWith(expected: string) Check if actual ends with expected string
toSatisfy(predicate: (value: any) => boolean) Check if actual satisfies a predicate
toIncludeAllMembers(expected: any[]) Check if actual includes all members of expected array
toIncludeAnyMembers(expected: any[]) Check if actual includes at least one member of expected array
toMatchSnapshot(snapshotName?: string) Matches actual data with the last created snapshot, or chosen one with using name

Mocking API

Class Method Description
MockRegistry restoreAll() Restores all created mocks
MockFn new MockFn(functionToMock: Function, implementation?: Function) Creates function mock
mockFn.mock(implementation?: Function) Mocks a function
mockFn.verifyCalled(expectedCallcount: number) Verifies function has been called expected times
mockFn.verifyCalledWith(expectedArguments: any[]) Verifies function has been called with expected arguments
mockFn.restore() Restores original function logic
mockFn.getFunction() Returns fuction any[]) Call function
MockModule new MockModule(moduleName: string) Creates module mock
mockModule.mockMethod(methodName: string, implementation: Function) Mocks a function
mockModule.verifyCalled(methodName: string, expectedCallcount: number) Verifies function has been called expected times
mockModule.verifyCalledWith(methodName: string, expectedArguments: any[]) Verifies function has been called with expected arguments
mockModule.restoreMethod(methodName: string) Restores original function logic
mockModule.restoreAll() Restores all functios
Mock new Mock(instance: T) Creates class instance mock
mockClass.mockMethod(methodName: string, implementation: Function) Mocks a function
mockClass.verifyCalled(methodName: string, expectedCallcount: number) Verifies function has been called expected times
mockClass.verifyCalledWith(methodName: string, expectedArguments: any[]) Verifies function has been called with expected arguments
mockClass.restoreMethod(methodName: string) Restores original function logic
mockClass.restoreAll() Restores all functios


Create a new spy by spyOn(instance: any, methodName: string) function:

  • Spy methods:
    const example = new ExampleClass();
    const greetSpy = spyOn(example, 'greet');
    // Call method
    example.greet('Hello, World!');
  • Spy functions
    const func = () => { return 'Hello' };
    const greetSpy = spyOn(func);
    // Call function'Hello, World!');
    greetSpy.getCallCount(); // 1
    // Spy won't work for calling function directly
    func('Hello, World!'); // still 1
Class Method Description
spyOn(object: any, methodName: string) Creates new spy on class method
getCallCount() Returns amount of method calls
getCallOrder() Returns an array with call order
getCallResults(callIndex?: number) Returns an array with call results
getCallArgs(callIndex?: number) Returns an array with arguments passed
getThrownErrors(callIndex?: number) Returns an array with with all thrown errors
wasCalled(amount?: number) Returns true if method was called at least once or more than amount times
wasCalledWith(...args: any[]) Returns true if method was called with specified arguments at least once
call(...args: any[]) Calls spied function

Snapshots API

Create a new snapshot by shot(snapshotName: string, data: any) function:

shot('snap', '<h1>Hello</h1>');
shot('other snap', '<h1>Bye</h1>');



To provide custom configuration for stest create stest.config.{json,yml,ts,js} file in project base directory.
Or use this command to initialize config file. By default it has json format. Override it by adding one of the possible options for the --init flag: ts, js, json, yml

$ npx stest --init

Also it is possible to define custom path to the config file using --config flag.

$ npx stest --config ./configs/test.conf.yml

Config properties:

  • pattern - tests path pattern
  • ignore - files and directories to ignore
  • autoClearMocks - clears all created mocks after each test,
  • cacheWatcher - enables caching in watch mode, to run only new or changed tests
  • enableReporting - enables generating test reports. To enable it install a reporting package:
    $ yarn add @stlib/testing-reporter

Config file example:

  • json:

      "pattern": "test/**/*.{spec,test}.ts",
      "ignore": ["node_modules", "lib"],
      "autoClearMocks": true,
      "cacheWatcher": false,
      "enableReporting": false
  • yaml:

    pattern: "test/**/*.{spec,test}.ts"
      - node_modules
      - lib
    autoClearMocks: true
    cacheWatcher: false
    enableReporting: false
  • TS/JS:

    import { StestConfig } from "@stlib/testing";
    const config: StestConfig = {
      pattern: "test/**/*.{spec,test}.ts",
      ignore: ["node_modules", "lib"],
      autoClearMocks: true,
      cacheWatcher: false,
      enableReporting: false,
    export default config;


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Project changes are writen in changelog, see the

We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository. For the versions supported, see the



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the