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Henry Project "Hope" - AI Analysis and Generation


The primary goal of this project is to create a platform that allows my audio recordings and other content to reach my alienated son, Henry, through various channels. My hope is that one day he will see the legacy and love that has always been there for him.

Father's recordings for son

I am a loving father to my 3-year-old son, Henry, who has been alienated from me for over 2.5 years. Despite the challenging circumstances, I am determined to maintain a connection with him. This has led to a significant number of audio recordings and the development of this data science and automation project.

Father's recordings for son

This project also serves a therapeutic purpose for me. As I wait for the court system to take action, I must deal with the aggressive patterns of Parental Alienation. Although it is difficult, I am resilient. I have the support of a therapist and a circle of friends. However, my son doesn't have that kind of support system and he is and noone to turn to. I cannot imagine what he is going through, being only 3 years old and subjected to separation and constant attempts to isolate him from his father.

Father and son alienated

My heart aches at the thought of this, but then I focus on building. I build my life, my career, and great technologies. This project is built with the hope that one day I will be able to share it with him and see him smile.

Project Focus

This project revolves around over 500+ audio recordings that I have made for my son, and I continue to make more. These recordings are my way of trying to connect with him and let him hear my voice. In these recordings, I share stories from my life, our family, friends, and various topics like animals, phenomena, stars, nature, and more. My hope is that one day he will discover these recordings and embark on a journey to learn about his father.

The recordings are processed, information is extracted, and they will be delivered through various channels such as text, videos, and stories. These may eventually reach my son despite the current barriers of fear and hatred.

As a side effect of my work on AI and automation, I have built a powerful statistical reasoning framework for my court case, accumulating objective evidence that is hard to dispute. By making this project public, I aim also to claim transparency and share the tools, methods, and methodologies I used to make this happen.

Father's project for son

I hope that the statistical analysis of the available data will reveal parental alienation patterns that I can use to help my son and restore our connection.


Currently, the following components of the analysis have been developed:

  • Recordings: Analysis of my recordings for Henry, including their duration, frequency, and other statistics. This now includes automated transcription and classification through NLP reasoning with well-crafted prompts, allowing anyone to run similar analyses on the same data.
  • Visits: Analysis of my meetings with Henry, focusing on the probabilities of certain events, such as Henry's sickness coinciding with my visits and other occurrences.


The recordings and transcriptions are not yet publicly available. They are encrypted, and my lawyers are reviewing them. Once I receive approval, I will release them to the public, increasing the chances that one of these humble recordings might finally reach my son. Videos will follow, created based on the recordings using technology currently in development on my RTX 4090 GPU.

Feel free to explore the datasets available in the data/processed directory, especially the classification datasets. They are fascinating and worth a look.


  • You need a conda-based environment to run this project. You can use a prebuilt environment available as a Docker-compose project: stellars-jupyterlab-ds, which I created and my entire data science team uses in my company. This project utilizes the free Miniforge with the conda-forge repository.
  • Execute make install_all to install all dependencies from the environment file and the library.

Feel free to contact me if you need any help.