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How to setup a DNS server to serve PTR records based on Bro's log of forward DNS lookups

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DISCLAIMER: use at your own risk. It's PoC quality for now. Expect it not to work out of the box.

How to setup a DNS server to serve PTR records based on Bro's log of forward DNS lookups

Logs from your IDS/servers... are full of hostnames like [].

Not very useful. If it's a log of an outgoing connection, made by someone on your network, that IP address is likely to have been resolved from a host name. You can look manually at Bro IDS dns.log for what that look up was.

This gives instructions on how to automate it, and make the information available over DNS queries.

The instructions are for debian derivative operating systems but can easily be adapted to other OSes.

How it Works

Bro sniffs the network and logs all the DNS requests and their responses into a dns.log file.

A perl script watches that file (using Linux inotify to be notified whenever there are changes so it's really real-time) and for every line added to that file that is a resolution of a host name into an IPv4 Address, adds a couple of records to the database of a DNS server to specify that the PTR record for the corresponding IP address is actually the hostname the IP address was resolved from (in addition to the time of the request and the country where the IP address is located).

The DNS server is PowerDNS with its MySQL backend.

For example, if at 14:17:19, somebody makes a DNS request for, and that resolves to (an IP address in Australia), Bro will spot that, add a corresponding entry to dns.log, the perl script will geolookup the IP address and add a couple of entries to PowerDNS so that a PTR query of (as in dig -x will return something like


DISCLAIMER: those are instruction for debian based systems. It is recommanded to backup every file, database affected by those instructions before following them.

You'll need to install a few packages:

  • pdns-server and pdns-backend-mysql for PowerDNS

  • liblinux-inotify2-perl, libdbd-mysql-perl, libgeo-ip-perl for the perl script

  • optionally dnsmasq for the fallback DNS server

    sudo apt-get install pdns-{server,backend-mysql} lib{linux-inotify2,dbd-mysql,geo-ip}-perl

Then you'll need to decide how to run PowerDNS. You can either decide to make it the default DNS server for the system (in which case you'll want to make it listen on the standard port (53) and uninstall other DNS servers, and have nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf), or you'll want it to run as a separate nameserver (possibly on a different port), which you'll have to query explicitely.

If the second approach is less intrusive, it also means you won't benefit from it straight away as all the gethostbyaddr(3) and anything using it to resolve IP addresses won't be able to make use of it.

Whatever approach, you'll probably want to have a fallback DNS server resolve the queries that are not in the database (including all the A, CNAME... queries). For that, I suggest using dnsmasq. dnsmasq is a simple lightweight DNS server that is very easy to configure. You can configure it to query this or that server for this or that domain. I used pdns-recursor before that, but dnsmasq prove to be a lot more flexible. Or you can use an upstream server if you don't need anything fancy.

Alternatively, you can have a DNS server (like dnsmasq) be the main DNS server, so that it serves some domains like the internal ones by itself or forwarding to other servers, and have PowerDNS be the fallback server. dnsmasq would then do some caching which means some DNS responses may be up to one minute stale but on the other end that could reduce the load on PowerDNS and MySQL.

The instruction and sample files here go with the approach with PowerDNS at the front and dnsmasq as fallback.

Setting up dnsmasq

Edit /etc/default/dnsmasq and set "ENABLED=1".

Copy etc/dnsmasq.conf to /etc, edit to change the forwarder and add other per-domain ones if need be and restart dnsmasq:

sudo service dnsmasq restart

Verify that it works by running:

dig -p 5300 @localhost

Setting up PowerDNS

You'll need to create the MySQL database. Edit share/pdns-schema.sql and change the password.

sudo mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf < share/pdns-schema.sql

Copy etc/powerdns/pdns.d/pdns.local and etc/powerdns/pdns.d/pdns.local.gmysql to `/etc/powerdns/pdns.d.

Change the password in /etc/powerdns/pdns.d/pdns.local.gmysql to match the one you set earlier.

The /etc/powerdns/pdns.d/pdns.local tells to use the dnsmasq we set up above as the recursor. If you want to do without dnsmasq, you can use your upstream dns server instead there.

Remove any other file in /etc/powerdns/pdns.d/

(Re)start pdns:

sudo service pdns restart

Verify that it works:

dig @localhost

Then you can edit your /etc/resolv.conf to point to this name server:


If you're using any network manager like NetworkManager, wicd or resolvconf, use them to set the name server instead.

Setting up pdns-feed

That's the perl script that reads the dns.log and feeds the pdns database.

We need to create a user to run it as:

sudo adduser --group --system --no-create-home --home=/ feed-pdns

Copy the bin/feed-pdns to /usr/local/sbin and adjust the permissions:

sudo install -m 0750 -o root -g feed-pdns bin/feed-pdns /usr/local/sbin/

Edit it to change the location of Bro logs and the database password. You may also need to change which column in dns.log contains the IP addresses as it seems to be different in different versions of Bro.

Install the startup script

sudo cp etc/init.d/feed-pdns /etc/init.d

Then install it using insserv, update-rc.d or the appropriate tool for that on your system. Make sure it is started after pdns and mysql in the boot sequence.

Then start it:

sudo service feed-pdns start

And test it:

$ dig +short
$ dig -x +short

Compare with the real PTR:

# dig -p 5300 -x +short


How to setup a DNS server to serve PTR records based on Bro's log of forward DNS lookups






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