This is the first release that is a fork of the upstream patch and transform. It supports conditionals at the Function invocation level and for each individual resource.
See the examples directory for different types of conditionals.
This function requires a minimum of Crossplane 1.14. Install via a Crossplane package:
apiVersion: pkg.crossplane.io/v1beta1
kind: Function
name: function-conditional-patch-and-transform
package: xpkg.upbound.io/borrelli-org/function-conditional-patch-and-transform:v0.3.0
What's Changed
- Adds conditional to the resources by @jcooklin in #1
- Add Conditionals via CEL, change name of repo by @stevendborrelli in #2
- change fields from condition/expression to condition by @stevendborrelli in #3
- initial push workflow by @stevendborrelli in #4
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0