Quantitative (scientific) data collected in controlled experiments consist of factors known as the independent variables and the dependent variables. A collection of data must incorporate both to be complete and possibly useful.
The way a lot of exploratory experiments or parameter searching are done is expressed by the following pseudo-code:
for indep_var1 in [v10, v11, ..., v1m]:
for indep_var2 in [v20, v21, ..., v2n]:
dep_var1, dep_var2, dep_var3,... = do_experiment(indep_var1, indep_var2)
We see plenty of this kind of code. But it has the following problems:
does not take care of the storage of the data
(dep_var1, dep_var2,...)
; -
forgets the mapping between the values of dependent variables and the independent variable values;
is strictly serial, meaning it does not use the cluster to parallelly sample through independent variables.
How should we store/manage/retrieve data in our experiments? I have been
thinking about this and this is the answer I came up with to solve the first 2
problems. It's been working for me for more than one year already, and the code
are pretty stabilized without much change for about one year. It should have
been in form of a Python module, but my initial attempt to package it as such
failed for insufficient time. Since recently I heard conversations within the
lab about how our data should be better organized, I am putting this code out
without much of formal packaging. Simple checkout or copy over the files in one
directory and run example_init.py
to initialize an example data file. Then run
to play with that data (now loaded as variable M
Here are some examples I composed long before for using this kind of data, not necessarily identical in terms of dimensionality of data, axis etc etc, but you will get an idea:
In [11]: M # M is a 7-dim array
Out[11]: <dataset.IndexedArray object at 0x9ca126c>
In [12]: M.shape
Out[12]: (2, 1, 9, 9, 10, 75, 41)
In [13]: M.dtype
Out[13]: dtype([('dt', '<i4'), ('nonlinearity', '<f8'), ('int_depol soma.v(0.5)', '<f8')])
In [14]: M['nonlinearity'].shape
Out[14]: (2, 1, 9, 9, 10, 75, 41)
In [15]: M['nonlinearity'].dtype
Out[15]: dtype('float64')
In [16]: M.axisnames # Names of independent variables (axes)
In [17]: M['syn1.x'] # Values of one independent variable
array([[[[[[[ 0.1]]]],
[[[[ 0.2]]]],
[[[[ 0.3]]]],
[[[[ 0.4]]]],
[[[[ 0.5]]]],
[[[[ 0.6]]]],
[[[[ 0.7]]]],
[[[[ 0.8]]]],
[[[[ 0.9]]]]]]])
In [18]: M2 = M[ M['syn1.x']<.5 ][ M['syn2.x']>.5 ] # Fancier indexing!
In [19]: M2
Out[19]: <dataset.IndexedArray object at 0xd3fa28c>
In [20]: M2.shape
Out[20]: (2, 1, 4, 4, 10, 75, 41)
In [22]: M2['syn1.x']
array([[[[[[[ 0.1]]]],
[[[[ 0.2]]]],
[[[[ 0.3]]]],
[[[[ 0.4]]]]]]])
In [21]: M2.dtype
Out[21]: dtype([('dt', '<i4'), ('nonlinearity', '<f8'), ('int_depol soma.v(0.5)', '<f8')])
In [22]: M.params
Out[22]: ... # the dictionary of meta data